Not sure what’s going in post

I am on week 4 of veg, I transplanted into SoHum living soil (7 gallon pot) almost 2 weeks ago. I’ve been watering with tap water, that has been left out with an air stone for 2 days. My tap water ppms are 220, so I cut it with some distilled water to drop my PPMs to around 150, before adjusting PH to 6.4 (Nectar of the gods PH down) and watering.

One plant continues to have yellowing tips, on all of the new growth, but doesn’t burn, just stays yellow.
My other plant has brown spots a couple leaves that are a couple nodes down from the canopy/new growth. I just watered them so they are a little droopy, but looked perky before watering.

I just noticed the brown spots and thought the other plant was just getting light burn. Any and all advice help would be appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Bro those plants look extremely good but they are a tad nitrogen burnt or what I like to call "toasted tips/frosted tips".

Definitely good your concerned but you're being over critical. These are some nice looking plants.

The "rusty" looking specks in the leaves is usually caused by either liquid droplets hitting the leaves and the lights burning that part of the leaf or could be a mild calcium deficiency at one point from ph imbalance or something.. Hard to say, but those plants are beautiful and definitely are going to reward you kindly if you keep doing what you're doing. I'd try to dial back your food a tad even just 20% and see what happens. Could solve your issue with the burnt tips.
Bro those plants look extremely good but they are a tad nitrogen burnt or what I like to call "toasted tips/frosted tips".

Definitely good your concerned but you're being over critical. These are some nice looking plants.

The "rusty" looking specks in the leaves is usually caused by either liquid droplets hitting the leaves and the lights burning that part of the leaf or could be a mild calcium deficiency at one point from ph imbalance or something.. Hard to say, but those plants are beautiful and definitely are going to reward you kindly if you keep doing what you're doing. I'd try to dial back your food a tad even just 20% and see what happens. Could solve your issue with the burnt tips.
I greatly appreciate you taking the time to respond.
I haven’t added any nutrients to them yet, the SoHum living soil is supposed to have enough nutrients to last till the end of flower. I do use recharge once a week as well.

whats throwing me off the most is the fact that the plants look fine, but seem to have their own problem going on. I’ve looked up my local water report but it honestly makes no sense to me. The chart doesn’t even have calcium on the chart.

I had thought calcium or magnesium deficiency due to the bronze spotting and yellowing of the tips/edges of the leaves. I am WAY to over critical and I hate that about myself when it comes to growing. I see one little thing, and I think I’ve got a huge problem