Not sure when to harvest..HELP plz


Active Member
hi all,

I am at 11 weeks of flowering these blueberry from spliff seeds. I started counting since i cut their lighting to a flowering cycle 12/12, and from what i can remember i don't think they took more than a week to show the first signs of flowering.

anyway, they haven't seemed to be changing much in the past 3 weeks..Trichomes still seem quite clear (although i can find one or two amber trichome if i look for it)

I read up somewhere that some plants' trichomes don't change color, so i am worried that maybe i should start harvesting...

anybody have an idea of how fast trichomes change color usually..?



Well-Known Member
I didn't hear about trichomes not getting milky. That's for i wait for every time. It doesn't look done to me. Maybe a week or two the trichomes will turn. As long as you only have 1-2 amber it's no problem. I see them every now and then too.


Well-Known Member
pic # 5 bottom right I see plenty of amber. How long have they been flowering. This is entirely up to you and what type of high you are seeking.


Active Member
I see half clear trichs to b the majority overall examination ,,, you want overall all milky and amber coming in on the outer bud leaves ,,,looks like some havent developed the bulbus top to the trich yet for sun angle to effect the thc cnb ect.. Inside the trich ... Longer .. Dont get that pre me shit i buy at the club ...alot of clear trichs not to potential yet.. Then the south of the border un sexed full of pests un manicured in a timely matter and brown were talkin over ripe all amber trichs andf over dried remember that shit ,,,the bammers 130 a quarter pound in the 90s.... That bud looks good man....


Well-Known Member
I would agree with Chernobong, based on the pics provided. The one's showing have some of the characteristics of maturity. Is this the bottom or some side of the plant? How are the tops/rest of the plants looking?


Active Member
here's a bigger shot...many fan leaves are starting to turn yellow and fall off if i gently pull them...Is that normal..?? also, it doesnt seem to be drinking as much water....


Well-Known Member
the leaves yellowing and falling off is normal. there not done tho bro. they are starting to ripen. what I did my last crop that help out alot was cut my light cycle back to 10/14 also use sum overdrive from advanced. if there drinking less than water with less water. also let them dry out real nice before you water again and then after your next water scope them


Active Member
new development...One of my plants has completely stopped drinking..I have her in an aerogarden and the water level hasn't been going down AT ALL for the past 3 days...Just emptied the reservoir today and replaced it with straight ph'd water...

can that be a sign that its done? nute lock out (although i havent given her more than i used to...)?

anyone ever had this happen to them..?