Note to self thread


Pickle Queen
Note to self. time my mother in law calls and says she's coming to stay the night because she has a doctors appointment...remind her that showing up on Monday for a 20 mins Thursday afternoon appointment is just disruptive. .. I work early long days and crave my down time...asking me as i walk in the door to download hundreds of pics while I delete 10000 emails is also being inconsiderate leaving random piles of ur crap all over my kitchen is annoying...yet u find time to remove the only tin burner crumb catchers I have to show me how clean it is when u did nothing....yep..I'm pmsing..worked through the day from hell..all I wanna do is smoke a bong and watch bb on my white suede couch..that the puppy covered in blue ink because momma left a pen out...lmfao..anyone else in their garage for some alone time..