nothing is working i need help


Active Member
whats up guys..i think i have tryed almost every way to germanite my seeds but nothing is working..out of 12 only one is growing..any tips on good ways to germanite??


Well-Known Member
okay my point is this take like an altoids tin or a mint box or anything that will be a bit dark, wet down a paper towl not to drippin but pretty damn. Lay your seeds in one fold of the paper towel, fold it over put in the altoid tin place on top of your dvd player or receiver that is a warm electrical item and in two days or so they should pop. For some reason i always do so well if its in some kind of tin that closes...


Active Member
sweet thanks dude...i heard you can use a cd case do u think that would work or should i stick with altoids box


Well-Known Member
the cd case would work its just that the darkness for a minute seems to help it so maybe like do black electrical tape..hell yeah use black electrical tape to cover the clear part of the case and put it on something warm if you have on of those big computer monitors that is on all the time and warm put it on there...smiles from a girl w/ a green thumb and be sure and check out my grow sometime!!!!


Active Member
I usually just put them in a folded up paper towel on a plate with another plate on top to keep it from drying up too quick. Get the towel wet, not so that its sitting in a puddle, but very damp throughout. Make sure it doesn't dry out too much. It's pretty cold in my house but I get better than 90% to hatch, but what he said about the tv isn't a bad idea. After a day check it every so often and transplant them. Like I said, I get almost all of them to hatch this way, so if it doesn't work I think you may have some bummer seeds.


Well-Known Member
the tv SHE mentioned and the warmth just seem to speed it up for me and I have like a 90%+ hatch rate myself


Well-Known Member
I have had best luck with using a mason jar. i take a paper towel wet it stick in the jar for 3-4 days close to my baseboard and i put a fish tank thermometer on the jar to get a basic temp an and usually there ripping though the paper towel when i unwrap them.


Well-Known Member
i drop mine in water and put the glass on top of something warm. Then i dont have to worry about dampness. out of the last 20 i did this way 18 popped overnight.


Active Member
what works for me is putting the seeds in between a wet paper towel, and then carefully wrapping it in aluminum foil and putting it under the cfl's


Active Member
thanks guys i am try out all ways you all have said worked pretty good...on the mason jar does it need to be in a dark spot. beacuse i just tosed it under my light in my closet? thanks again guys ill keep you posted