nothing wrong with this right???


Well-Known Member
i see little faint yellowish spots on some of the leaves... my guys are only 6 days old.


Well-Known Member
sorry here are the pics... did stupid editing, realizing my fingers shouldnt be on here tee hee



Well-Known Member
uh no they cant; the image was cut out of a picture and pasted into word. there is no image to regenerate besides what you see; however, i totally agree in always playing it safe so i won't do that again.

Anyway, anyone notice anything unusual or should i just smack myself and relax?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? Could be several things. I've seen this from misting with the lights on, spider mites, and over nuting. You don't give any details other than they are 6 days old. Get some more info together and post it so we can give a more informed diagnoises........ Even if the government was able to pull a fingerprint off a photo (they can't) you would have to be on file for it to matter.


Well-Known Member
arite they're in MG organic soil mixed with 25% perlite. 18/6 schedule using 80W fluorescent tubes (for now, hps coming soon). i water them typically every other day, although they've only been watered a few times. i do mist the soil but do not mist the leaves, intentionally. haven't added any nutes, since there are extended release ones in the soil.

Plants keep growing, so not TOO worried but i have seen healthier young ones on here...


Well-Known Member
after careful inspection of the leaves, i do not believe it is spider mites. the discoloration pattern does not match either. here are the best pics i can provide. i'm guessing at a nutrient defiiciency, although i don't know why. i'm using the MG mix which i know isn't the best, but is decent, and shouldn't be allowing for deficiencies at such a young age...


p.s. i've verified those little black dots are not spiders, they're just dirt. even if they were suspected to be "not dirt" the color pattern is more like streaks not dots...

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I think your fine... I've found that these plants are very hardy and have neglected mine an several occasions and gave them problems myself. I forgot to water for a few days and found them wilted and yellow. I didn't get around to transplanting seedlings from 4oz styrofoam cups til they were root bound for a week. The ones I had pots for and transplanted a week prior had taken off while the ones i didn't went yellow and were stunted and sickly. After a few days of being in the new soil they took off and caught right up to the others...

I guess what I'm trying to say is even if you screw up these plants are very forgiving. Don't think every problem is going to kill your plant and don't over react. When in doubt, flush it out.....