Not smoking a damn thing. Broke as hell, don't have a single plant flowering. Out of there, lol. Times like this remind me of when I smoked a blount of some bud so potent and laden with thc, that it produced resin as it burned and kept going out. The blount didn't burn, it melted. After one go around the circle, we broke it up and stuck it in the bowl. All five of us were pretty spaced before half the bowl was gone. That weed looked white, broke apart like a fresh fig leaf, smelled like a bucket of pine sol and juicy fruit gum, and when you hit it, it was sooo smooth. I don't think any of us coughed even once. Just the smell of the jar makes your face sweat. I got it for free from a guy in a minivan at a subway restaurant. Didnt even know him, just happened to strike up a conversation and he breaks out this huge 4qt mason jar full of bud, hands me about a gram. That was a good day. Me and my friends were just teenagers. We were standing at the subway trying to scratch for coin to buy some reefer, and along comes pothead jack in the mini van. Hella nice kickdown