Noticed new growth - not in 12/12 still 24/7 Pre-flower???


Well-Known Member
Hey as I was observing my plants again I noticed something new. Looks like the fingers before new set of leaves. These are forming around existing nodes. I posted a couple pictures. Am I imagining things. Are thay reaching maturity? I thought I had to do 12/12.

20130401_160335.jpg 20130401_160509 (1).jpg 20130401_160645_3_bestshot.jpg


Active Member
just looks like regular new growth to me. i usually veg for three weeks sometimes two before i flip to 12/12

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Proof to back up that claim?
Proof? Where in the world is there 24 hours of light? And do plants grow there and live?

Not only does it save you money, but them sleeping Helps create photosynthesis, chlorophyll, transpiration, etc, ect, ect. 18/6 and 20/4 is better because it gives the plant a chance to respire without the stress of photosynthesis at the same time.

I'm not knocking it. I've seen good results on 24/0 but I've always seen mad stress on those same plants when they were switched to flower. For that reason, turn the light down a couple of days before switching. If you're going to turn the light down anyways, why not just keep it on that cycle?

Think of when you go to the Gym, your body needs rest in-between sets, other wise you would get so tired, and crash? And you would need that rest for the body to get stronger and build up. Same thing with the plants and roots.


Well-Known Member
Plants are nothing like people. That's like comparing the moon to the sun. calvin cycle, google it read it. Also

The only thing cannabis NEEDS dark for is to flower.

BTW, where on earth will you find exactly 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark everyday like clockwork for 2-3 months? Or 18/6

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Cannabis Culture? I am not touching that Link I've never even opened a high time Magazine before. Never will.

To Each Their Own.

BTW! I don't give others Links that what Other people have said to put off a Conversation. I speak from the Heart


Well-Known Member
Cannabis Culture? I am not touching that Link I've never even opened a high time Magazine before. Never will.

To Each Their Own.
Well that's fine.

One way in which plants are categorized is by the way they gather and handle carbon dioxide. Cannabis is a C3 plant. It uses the CO2 it gathers during the light period, when it is photosynthesizing. Plants designated C4 also gather CO2 during the dark period for use during the light period. Many C3 plants, including cannabis, do not need a rest period. They continue to photosynthesize as long as they are receiving light.


Active Member
I agree that plants should have some dark time IMO these bitches need their beauty sleep! lol to put in layman's terms :)
Also those are female presex indicators theyre just letting you know their girls, you can veg a plant for up to a year i believe as long as you don't throw it into flower. So throw those ladies into 12/12 when you're ready.


Well-Known Member
BTW! I don't give others Links that what Other people have said to put off a Conversation. I speak from the Heart
That's fine.. If you understand the calvin cycle you understand that all stages can happen while there is light, so in short the whole "OMG weed needs rest to veg" weed forum logic is well, illogical. The only reason they need darkness is to flower. Yes in nature there is no such thing as 24 hours of light. Well actually there is, google "midnight sun" but that's a completely different discussion.

BTW, if you're wondering I don't run my light 24/0. I'd rather not have a higher power bill than I already do.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
That's fine.. If you understand the calvin cycle you understand that all stages can happen while there is light, so in short the whole "OMG weed needs rest to veg" weed forum logic is well, illogical. The only reason they need darkness is to flower. Yes in nature there is no such thing as 24 hours of light. Well actually there is, google "midnight sun" but that's a completely different discussion.

BTW, if you're wondering I don't run my light 24/0. I'd rather not have a higher power bill than I already do.

No I wasn't. But, since you mentioned, why don't you atleast bring up the fact that you don't do it? When you're steering others in the wrong direction. Why give advice when you don't follow it??????

The North and South Pole have 24 hours of light. Humans, plants, cannot live there year round. The only time humans go there is to study research. And then they leave, because they'd die. Plants can't do that.

Like I said, To Each There Own.


Well-Known Member
I agree that plants should have some dark time IMO these bitches need their beauty sleep! lol to put in layman's terms :)
Also those are female presex indicators theyre just letting you know their girls, you can veg a plant for up to a year i believe as long as you don't throw it into flower. So throw those ladies into 12/12 when you're ready.
Thanks Miss Rabbit, I guess I need to get my other box ready and shift these over to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
No I wasn't. But, since you mentioned, why don't you atleast bring up the fact that you don't do it? When you're steering others in the wrong direction. Why give advice when you don't follow it??????

The North and South Pole have 24 hours of light. Humans, plants, cannot live there year round. The only time humans go there is to study research. And then they leave, because they'd die. Plants can't do that.

Like I said, To Each There Own.
I'm gonna go with plants don't grow there because it's cold as fuck and it's completely ice. How am I steering people wrong? If they choose to do 24/0 at least they have real evidence proving it isn't going to do any harm. Not some idiot's opinion on a weed forum.

BTW, in Barrow Alaska they have continuous sunlight for something like 80 straight days in the summer. People live there. But that's beside the point. The point is, cannabis and most plants will grow just fine under 24/0 they will actually grow faster than when they're under 18/6 or 16/8. They don't need rest to grow. The only reason they need darkness is to flower. The end.

Should I not give advice on soil because I don't grow in it? I have before but since I don't I guess by your logic I can't give advice on the subject. I better steer clear of giving advice about CFL bulbs too because I don't use those anymore.