Nova Scotia weed. worst weed in Canada.


Well-Known Member
Lol the social safety net is solid. Where do u live where outdoor is 1200 a lb?? It must be shit. Cuz good worth 5k in some parts of the states
california buddy. we are so flooded that high grade dank is that cheap. better make a trip eh ;)


Well-Known Member
We don't have food stamps, but we do have social assistance/welfare, disability and what's called a child tax benefit {mothers/fathers} will receive a government cheque every month until the child reaches 18. We're not that different then the U.S in most regards...unless you're talking beer.
what about beer? it come in bags too? 99% of what i know about Canada came from tpb or kids in the hall...


New Member
Lol tpb is in Nova Scotia and they're our version of hicks lol..Canada is not like that. Just nova Scotia. Tdot mtl an Vancouver and most big cities are Americanized


Active Member
Lol tpb is in Nova Scotia and they're our version of hicks lol..Canada is not like that. Just nova Scotia. Tdot mtl an Vancouver and most big cities are Americanized
I feel ya bro. Hali fuckin sucks. Can get pretty decent herb but its expensive as fuck no matter how much you get


Active Member
But yeah, trailer park boys is actually kind of accurate to the average stoners and drinkers i know around here . lol our crew is so much like them its ridiculous.