Novelty Car Horns


Well-Known Member
so i was smoking with someone yesterday. as we was just minding out business sat down outside (it was a nice day) we see this little mini beatle go past that had been tuned up for racing and he beeped his horn and it was one of those funny clown horns !

then i realised that u can get different horn sounds. i wondered if u could fit a horn that plays part of an mp3? rofl.

i was thinking of puttin the crazy clown horn in my car but i only ever use my horn when people piss me off and i need to go aggressive. a clown horn really doesnt say "get the fuck out of my way u prick"

so i was thinking......... if u could have any horn sound in the world, what would it be?!

mine would so be: Ludacris - Move Bitch. that would be so ownage :bigjoint: