novice trim/dry/cure guide


Well-Known Member
OK, this is a nice basic review for novices or people just + reppin :clap: and i advise you read the whole thing as long as it is hehe. all the steps are important.

i am not going to talk about when the plant is ready, that is for YOU and help from other threads and a microscope to decide :arrow:

im talkin about how you trim, dry and cure. read the whole thing for YOUR benefits

make sure not to touch the buds with your hands, the oils from your skin will absorb THC crystals makin your bud not as fire. even get a pair of rubber gloves at a hardware store or somthing if you have a really good strain

when you cut down your lovely ladies, the best way is to just chop them off branch by branch starting at the bottom, get a nice clean smaller pair of scissors and cut the leaves off down by the nodes- or where leaves sprout out from the branch. and trim off the leaves that DONT have nice crystals on them. take your time, and also plan ahead for larger crops, maybe invite friends unless your operation is under wraps. lay down news paper for easy clean up btw.

once all your buds are trimmed now comes drying time.
take a cardboard box and tie one or more sets of string on it like a clothes line basically, at least 3in. apart for easy access. and hang the buds side by side in a row on the strings with clothes-pins. if you dont have clothes-pins use stoner ingenuity :idea:
leave them in a closet or a nice dry dark area around 70-75 degrees fahrenheit. for a week or two or until the stems give you a nice *snap* when you break them. keep them out of sunlight this will degrade thc and flavor. be patient young jedis let nature take its course. keep them out of humidity to prevent molding and a faster drying time. also depending of where you live for example in Texas they'll dry out faster than say in New Orleans. make sure there is also a nice air flow, maybe setup a fan if in a closet and open the door a lil bit once in a while.

once they are dried, now comes curing. this is VERY IMPORTANT as it draws out chlorophyll, what gives the plant its green pigment, also gives it a harsh smoke for people, also if not MORE important, the sugars break down converting to THC when placed in a dark area in an airtight glass jar. youve taken all this time to get to this milestone and now this is the step where you draw out your flavor and supreme THC content. dont hurry this up. you sure can smoke your product to sample it at this point but curing it will make it much MUCH better.:weed:

in order to properly cure, the bud must be dry enough, make sure the stems *snap* very nice thats how alot of people tell, you can find your own way to tell too. get a CLEAN GLASS jar with an AIRTIGHT lid. jelly jars, pickle, peanut jars. etc etc. place your buds in here bud dont cram them in, if you need multiple jars so be it. put the filled jars in a dark area. and keep them there for 4 weeks +, opening them up once or twice a day for 10 minutes or so to release more moisture and chlorophyll. dont get the wrong idea, you can still smoke it at this point while your curing it. i highly recommend keeping a journal and writing down the differences in the bud as you smoke it and cure it, if you want =P. it will help you realize how much of a difference it makes.

there are also dozens of ways to dry and cure plants, i suggest you look into other methods for fun and personal preference
i hope this helps some people. and this probably does need work, this was just a basic overview for beginners so give me input and ill edit :-P


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. That month of curing time is gonna kill me. im so impatient lol. luckily i have a little stashed away to hold me over.

One question, What kind of problems might i encounter if my temps are a little too high during drying? I'm talking maybe 80 to 85 F max.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. That month of curing time is gonna kill me. im so impatient lol. luckily i have a little stashed away to hold me over.

One question, What kind of problems might i encounter if my temps are a little too high during drying? I'm talking maybe 80 to 85 F max.
well 80-85 degrees with humidity might cause mold so have a fan maybe, and if its a dry 80 85 like texas or desert and its dry it would just dry out faster lol so thats a plus


Well-Known Member
lol @ wearing thin cotton gloves for trimming.
i would rather lose a few trichs than add tiny cotton fibres.
besides, weed resin is good for your hands.
heals wounds quickly and makes your skin soft.
if you want to not touch your buds, that's why there are stems.


Active Member
hows the buds taste after 1-2 weeks of curing? i mean i got some midgrade bagseed, and it grew into what everyone mistakes it for chronic. i took care of her, but then again its mids. 2 week cure should be alright?


Well-Known Member
2 week cure should be good.
i had some vacum sealed under my bed for about 3 months.
i was in gape-jawed amazement at how it had improved in that time.
if you can, shoot for a couple months. you won't regret it.


Active Member
I plan to dry for 1 week inside my grow tent with the intake/exhaust fans on, using metal wire to hang the stems from.

Then I plan to cure for 2 weeks using 3 x 3litre glass jars kept in the dark and aired a few times a day.

I'm sure curing for 2 weeks is plenty good enough, any longer and the bud will surely start drying up instead of being the perfect consistency.


Well-Known Member
Any one ever read the growers bible by jorge Cervantes.. it talks about taking the cannabis out of the jars and place into a paper bag. you alternate doing that. Is this just old thinking?


Well-Known Member
Any one ever read the growers bible by jorge Cervantes.. it talks about taking the cannabis out of the jars and place into a paper bag. you alternate doing that. Is this just old thinking?
I've read the bible but dont remember seeing that in there...maybe i skimmed over it. I'll re-read it soon and let ya know.


Well-Known Member
Any one ever read the growers bible by jorge Cervantes.. it talks about taking the cannabis out of the jars and place into a paper bag. you alternate doing that. Is this just old thinking?
ive heard of that too its just like ripening fruits in paper bags for a couple days, but in paper you lose alot of moisture and make your buds crispy. ive done this and its good but not as good as the jar method in my opinion.
the jar keeps moisture nice for smoking but not so much to mold, if you dont opent the jars tho for a while it can mold, so open them and air em out every couple days when curing