Now listen up all the hippies and Al-gore fans.

A non-climatologist linking a video of another non-climatologist. For some reason, I'm going to side with professional climatological organizations, at least when they're being 'refuted' by those that lack any expertise. Yeah, I'm a loon.
Well the experts have been caught cooking the books to prove their theories and bullying skeptics by refusing to acknowledge their studies. The peer review process failed because it was hijacked by activist researchers who had a stake in the results. Not the way science is supposed to work.

The experts are discredited. The Man Made Climate Change issue is a farce.
The term "climate change" was first used to describe global warming by the fossil fuel industry (oil and coal and their by-products), which is the major contributor to the pollution problem we are all facing today. It sounded less threatening than "global warming."

The average temperature has gone up two degrees in the last 50 years, and the resulting changes are dramatic all over the world because of CO2 and other gases. The four seasons have been altered in length and severity. Shorter winters, bigger snow falls and flooding in warmer areas are increasing. There have been more droughts where drought is prone. Coral reef ecosystems are collapsing around the world. There are huge areas of ice shelves in the Arctic and Antarctic breaking away and melting. Glaciers are receding everywhere in the world. Mountains that had snowcaps year-round no longer have snow. Two thirds of the glaciers that were in Montana 70 years ago are gone. Permafrost is thawing and there are new ice-free areas in the Canadian Arctic where normally an ice-breaker would have to cut a passage to allow shipping.

Water has become the biggest potential

problem. The lack of rain and snowmelt have left our lakes low, and the rivers and creeks are being clogged by marine growth because there is not enough flow to wash them out every spring. This is evident throughout Northern California and the Bay Area. Where there were sandy bottoms and clear water, now there is murky water, algae and marine grasses growing profusely, and this, of course, affects the critters that live there. We're talking about the survival of species all over the planet. Mammals, insects, birds, fish and reptiles are all being affected.

The increased CO2 is good for growing food, but at a cost. The air we breathe is unhealthy and there is a shortage of water for humans and plants caused by changes in weather. The warming has allowed pest-type insects to live longer and breed more, yet caused many problems for mammals and birds. There have been sightings of various animals, birds and insects not normally seen in the Bay Area. Their former habitat has been altered to the point where they had to find new places to survive.

I could go on with science-based facts to fill 50 pages, but enough said. When it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is likely to be a duck. Good luck to all, peace
Humans have an affect on the total environment .. Humans have doubled in population since the late 1960's .. to 6 Billion people on earth and we have disrupted natural selection by destroying rivers , swamps, estuaries and forested and grasslands ...

life on earth is a complicated web of life that all interacts and is a pyramid with Humans at the top of the food chain ... destroy the life forms that hold our pyramid up and the tower falls .. many plants are dependent on insects for pollenation .. destroy the insects ..lose the populations ability to reproduce

if humans double in the next 40 years .. the population will be a staggering 12 billion people ......... You make the call
Co2 does not cause temp rise. If it did every time a volcano erupted we would have a temp rise. Plus none of the MMGW data included the sun into the equations, from what I've read. The e-mails that were posted on the web are important, but not as important as the data files posted with them. If it looks like a scam and quacks like a scam, it is a scam, esp when it involves a liberal (govt. control) agenda. To pursue such huge changes to our lives ( taxation and more govt. control) is the wrong direction. IF wwgw was real, the solutions would not involve govt. taxes and fees, nor would it be done to make ex-politicians billions. FOLLOW THE MONEY. It is so sad that what has always been an honest profession (science), has to be marred by people with an agenda.
Oh and would someone clean up the MASSIVE ball of plastic in the pacific. We are still "cleaning" up from the last environmental (good deed), disaster.
dead zone in the gulf. caused by man spraying chemicals on crops

sit under a tree is it cooler than in the sun???? sit in a parking lot is it cooler than under a tree???? cut down 1 million trees and build a city, think it would be cooler in the city or under a tree???? the sun heats the ground the trees cool the earth. cut all the trees down and see what happens, i will be chillin in the shade, let me know how it works out for ya