Now termites wuts next


Well-Known Member
ok here the situation, i live in a aprtment where i have the 1st floor and basement. Just discover yesterday I have a termite problem and they are in the garden..Im 5 1/2 weeks into flowering and i had to kill about 10 termites in my garden last night. I want to call my landlord and tell him but im scared they will need to go in the basement (thats where my girls stay). Does anyone know if they will have to spray the intire house for termites including in my lil room in the basement.

Is there something I can use in the garden until they finish up, and then afterwards call a professional?


Well-Known Member
never heard of termites on anyones plants but the way that i understand them is if you have an infestation then killing them in only one area will not stop the infestation, they will return.


Well-Known Member
If you were growing Indica's with about an 8-week flowering cycle, then I would just wait until you have harvested. Then clean out the room and get your landlord in there to fumigate it.


Well-Known Member
If you were growing Indica's with about an 8-week flowering cycle, then I would just wait until you have harvested. Then clean out the room and get your landlord in there to fumigate it.

boy do i wish i was growing indicas :cry:.. I m waiting to go down there to see how bad it is they arent very active at night