Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.


Active Member
Ok. since someone cares. a bit. a wee bit?

heres an update... and my cheap way of keeping this cool and well ventilated. DIY FTW.

group shot... 6 plants in flower at the moment... one started before 2 other joined... the 3 others started slightly after:

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The most advanced one... going on 3 weeks now i guess? id have to recheck
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And the other 2 at 2 weeks or so... bushy one is topped... and lst'd some. toher one i left 'au natural'.. it just looked too nice.
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and the 3 others catching up.. at one week or so.. all doing well.. growing good..

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my 8 seedlings doing well.. and the other topped plant still vegging.

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Active Member
Update... almost a week later.

24 days flower

first plant doing great, getting a little frosty... and definately getting bigger buds:

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Other 2 about DAY 17 flowering:

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Other 3 about DAY 12 flowering:
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Veg box.... i topped and trimmed up the bigger one i still have vegging.. the new branching is JUST starting to bust open... gonna be a cute plant.

I also repotted one of the biggest seedlings into a slightly bigger pot to have a look
at the rooting and give it a jump on the others...

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good times!



Well-Known Member
Looks great! The 2nd picture in the "day 17 flowering" photos was that plant LST'd or cropped? i love the shape you have on this plant.


Active Member
thanks again ;)

ya i LST'd the main stem over to one side a bit, chopped some branches and leaves on one side, topped it late, and pulled the rest of the branches out to the other side... its growing like a one sided pyramid... it stays in the
corner of my cab... and everything gets good light.. buds are actually bigger than i thought they would be.


Active Member
Was taking some bud pr0n shots.. quick update :)

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^^ on the 7th, 9th, and 11th....... going strong... i actually topped a couple now to see how it grows. ^^

After some training on my other remaining 'teen', showing female prefloweres BTW :) She now had 4 nice tops ready to rock, i also clipped all the leaf tips... read an article that intrigues me, just experimenting
all the way with this one... topped, pruned, and clipped.

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And the girls in flower... the biggest is allready getting some brown pistils.... i gave her a flush of just PH'd water today... make sure everything is good for the home stretch. It's also getting frostier everyday...
others... are going equally well:

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Let me know what you all think,



Active Member

the cab:
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32 days flowering... big lady, lookes liek somne of the lower buds under the canopy got seeded a wee bit.. from when i cut my male up... guess i shoulda done that in another room, regardless, if i get some good seeds, ill be very happy, this plant has done me well so far, whatever the strain is:
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25 days, the other 2 ladies, also getting frosty:

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Topped plant... something like 5 weeks now, looking sexy, gonna let it grow up another couple of inchs, then im going to have to cram in it for flowering...... not sure how thats gonna work yet, this one is going to be niiiice:
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seedlings at a couple of weeks, 2 of them also topped early, starting to branch out... rest are growing nicely:
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Cheers folks!!!


Active Member

Here's the gang, added a 42w CFL in the corner of my cab to get a little more light into the side/corners.... MORE!!
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Plant 1, 35 days, doing great... buds are starting to grow little bud 'shoots' that are coming out... hopefully they all swell up accordingly!
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Plant 2 at 28 days: (this one was topped and LST'd)
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Plant 3 also 28 days:
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The other 3 plants are doing great.. seem to be frosting up faster...

Veg plant grew an inch or two last few days...... going to have to flower this one soon or risk having something too tall...

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Seedling, i transplanted 4 of them into slightly bigger pots.... roots are nice on all of em:
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Active Member
mini update

one of the ladies is turning purple!!! i was worried it had a problem... but it still looked happy... few days later.. the buds and leaves are turning a nice purple color.

happy happy


Active Member
hey one question man your plants really seeem to be doing fine for indoors are you providing them any co2 (tank or sugar yeast) or are you exchanging (grow room) air with fresh outside air ?


Active Member
the intake for air for both the veg and flower come from another room that has fresh/cooler air.. my temps are always high.. like 85-87.. but it hasnt seemed to be a problem, i have the air circulation inside my cab dialed in pretty good.. lots of air movement and fresh air BLOWN in as well as exausted. i made a separate post about how i setup my cheapo venting.. i keep the plants like,... 8-10 inchs from the light.. so the temps im talking about are really at 8 inchs from the light.. my DIY cooltube is barely warm to the touch


Active Member
i dont get it man how could they be doing fine with out CO2 i mean co2 is what they breath .. actually you dont have to worry about co2 as long as you keep exchanging air. co2 is for sealed grow rooms. ur grow room is not sealed right


Active Member
gang: 42 and less days flowering
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plant 1
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plant 2... my twin peaks:
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plant 3... the one that is taking on the PURPLE color:
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the veggies:

out of the 8 seedlings..... 4 FOUR!!!!!!!! were male... and im thinking one more is too, giving it a couple more days.

So ill have one big female, vegged for a good 7weeks lol, and 3 smaller ones to flower next round
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and last!!

my first little sample! let it dry a week and smoke it :)

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Active Member
"i dont get it man how could they be doing fine with out CO2 i mean co2 is what they breath .. actually you dont have to worry about co2 as long as you keep exchanging air. co2 is for sealed grow rooms. ur grow room is not sealed right"

no its not sealed... outside air is sucked/blown in... the air exhausted from the cab is blown out into another room that is also ventilated with outside air. ive got a few layers of carbon filter mesh on the exhaust and the smell
isnt noticeable.. im probably going to invest in a better stronger exaust fan for some real carbon scrubbing if it becomes a problem. (something i can also use for drying)

im working on another cab for drying.. so well see how the setup ends up in a few weeks.

thanks for the interest man