Now what do I/we do?

The guy seems confused.

Maybe he should get out more. This summer, Trump's goons swept the streets of Portland and his unidentified agents from Homeland Security kidnapped people to bring them in for questioning. Hundreds of violent vigilantes were flown in to Portland to bust shit up. All because people are resisting the growth of a militarized police force that is run by fascists.

There is a reality out there. Go find it. Don't believe me, go out there and see it for yourself.

I did. There is a real difference between Republicans and Democrats. To say otherwise is naive.

Also, vote.
Eh, you look at a glass half full, I am looking at it half empty. The ways the two parties are the same is the issue, but here on these forums its a crime to vote against the 2 main parties lol

Exaggerates but says it all. The issues likely lose media coverage (no longer Trump issues) but are rarely fixed. I doubt with a red senate much more is done, and what is will be concessions Republicans are willing to give, as a way to put their stamp on the big ticket issues Democrats would like to enact. Now you just fight the issues minus Trump.
That guy suck's, big time
He should find a new career
Eh, you look at a glass half full, I am looking at it half empty. The ways the two parties are the same is the issue, but here on these forums its a crime to vote against the 2 main parties lol
You clearly didn't read what I wrote.

That video was a mess of confusion. Donald Trump sent his goons to Portland. This happened. It was a Republican President who was backed by Republican leadership and Republican base that did this. The video made the false claim that that Republicans and Democrats are the same. Just looking at the objective facts from the past four years, that is a very naive statement to make.

Your reply contained zero specifics. It was just a cynical statement that was free from facts. Including a dumbass half full, half empty argument. I do not claim any middle ground here. I give you a hard and undeniable fact. A Republican leader, backed by his party violated the rights to free speech of citizens who lived in a city that didn't support Trump.

Getting to your cry for pity about criticism. I'm only disagreeing with you. I pointed out using facts why I disagree. That's my right. I didn't call your idiotic video a crime. I pointed out why it made a false assertion.
Can you believe ths pure, unadulterated shite from McConnell & the GOP in general?
Of course you can.
Every other Country In the World has accepted Biden's win (except Russia/China), but not the GOP.
Fucking Republican's are still cunts it seems.
Ship is sinking & Trump/GOP still playing games.
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They’re scared of their guns being taken for the simple fact that’s it’s been beaten into their heads for generations that “THEY” are hated and feared by “THE OTHERS” because of their ‘patriotism’ and “THE OTHERS” *need* to take those guns in order to ‘do away with’ those “patriots” they hate and fear...and over time, stockpiling guns, ammunition, military gear, small-unit tactics, and over-the-top resentment has become the number one pastime for those “gawd-feared Americans”. They’ve been told on the radio every day at work, they’ve been told on the TV every night at home, they’ve been told by their pastors and their fellow churchgoers and their mechanics, their dentists, their hunting buddies...and their friends and relatives who hear the same shit from the same sources...over and over and OVER AGAIN.

No shit, for DECADES. There *IS NO WAY TO TELL THEM ANY DIFFERENT*. That’s how brainwashing *WORKS*: you love Big Brother no matter WHAT he does, or WHAT he says, or WHO he hurts, or what ANYONE a tries to tell you.

And this is why “Trump” isn’t going away - even after he’s out of office, even if (when) he lands in jail.

the job isn’t done, the work isn’t’s only beginning.

Exactly right...I agree completely.

you came into american waters..did you bring your trudeau?
No denying, George was magnificent, but John was my favorite.
He was the soul of the Beatles in my opinion.
"While my Guitar Gently Weeps", is a masterpiece though for sure.

The great thing about John was how he reflected on himself and changed, George was meant to have said once said that 'John was a saint and he's heavy duty and he's great and I love him. But at the same time he's such a bastard but that's the great thing about him you see?"

George was called the quiet Beatle but he was the opposite, at times he was a womaniser had copious amounts of coke but still to me is the best.

I live two to four miles away from where they were brought up, I worked for 16 years in a place the Beatles played. The greatest band ever, the greatest rock band ever Led Zep ha
Can you believe ths pure, unadulterated shite from McConnell & the GOP in general?
Of course you can.
Every other Country In the World has accepted Biden's win (except Russia/China), but not the GOP.
Fucking Republican's are still cunts it seems.
Ship is sinking & Trump/GOP still playing games.
Mitch has Georgia on his mind and doesn't want to create a rift with Donald, they are hoping he will accept the outcome over time and perhaps even loosen his grip on the republican party, NOT! Next week or the week after the democrats are gonna turn the heat up on Donald and make Mitch carry his water, they will blow the republican party wide open before the Georgia vote. Meanwhile Stacey Abrahams works away with more resources than she could ever have imagined, to scour Georgia for every vote she can find. If she can bring out a few more young people and those African Americans and moral whites she missed, she has a real good chance of bringing home 2 senate seats for the democrats, Donald will help a lot with this if he is managed correctly, or I should say played like a fish.
Join Keith in a schadenfreude fest.
Olbermann vs. Trump #24 - Relax! Trump's "Re-counts" Are Just Another MONEY SCAM!

Of course Trump would steal the election, or just ignore it and stay in office if he could. But he CAN'T. His "friends" from Netanyahu to Boris Johnson to MBS have already stampeded him to congratulate Biden.


He is placating his cultists, setting up the 2024 run I've been telling you about for months, and most importantly scamming his morons out of money. The "donations" to the "Trump Voter Fraud Legal Defense Fund" actually are to be split 60-40: 60% to the campaign to pay off its debts, and 40% to the Republican National Committee. He's demanding re-counts but not paying for any of them. He's being pissy about conceding and it doesn't matter.

Now that we learn that Rudy Giuliani's key "witness" to vote-counting fraud, paraded out in the Saturday press conference next to Fantasy Island Sex Shop, is himself a convicted sex offender who used to flash little girls, the reality is: that episode was the HIGHLIGHT of Trump's fake campaign, designed not to overthrow the government, but separate his gullible supporters from their wallets.
The great thing about John was how he reflected on himself and changed, George was meant to have said once said that 'John was a saint and he's heavy duty and he's great and I love him. But at the same time he's such a bastard but that's the great thing about him you see?"

George was called the quiet Beatle but he was the opposite, at times he was a womaniser had copious amounts of coke but still to me is the best.

I live two to four miles away from where they were brought up, I worked for 16 years in a place the Beatles played. The greatest band ever, the greatest rock band ever Led Zep ha
We can't forget Paul though, right?

Donald already tried to order Esper to use the insurrection act after losing the election, that was why he was fired, he should have demanded Trump show cause and simply refused to resign or allow himself to be fired, have them drag him physically out of there screaming treason all the way.

The house armed services committee should immediately call Esper and start asking questions publicly.

DOJ's election crimes chief resigns after Barr allows prosecutors to probe voter fraud claims
Barr on Monday issued a memo authorizing prosecutors "to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections."

The head of the branch of the Justice Department that prosecutes election crimes resigned Monday hours after Attorney General William Barr issued a memo to federal prosecutors authorizing them to investigate “specific allegations” of voter fraud before the results of the presidential race are certified.

Richard Pilger, who was director of the Election Crimes Branch of the DOJ, sent a memo to colleagues that suggested his resignation was linked to Barr’s memo, which was issued as the president’s legal team mount baseless legal challenges to the election results, alleging widespread voter fraud cost him the race.

“Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications, and in accord with the best tradition of the John C. Keeney Award for Exceptional Integrity and Professionalism (my most cherished Departmental recognition), I must regretfully resign from my role as Director of the Election Crimes Branch,” Pilger’s letter said, according to a copy obtained by NBC News.

“I have enjoyed very much working with you for over a decade to aggressively and diligently enforce federal criminal election law, policy, and practice without partisan fear or favor. I thank you for your support in that effort.”

s a change of Justice Department policy, which had previously advised prosecutors that "overt investigative steps ordinarily should not be taken until the election in question has been concluded, its results certified, and all recounts and election contests concluded."

Barr, who's come under fire by right-wing media for not bolstering the president's evidence-free claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, declared that guidance outdated.

"Such a passive and delayed enforcement approach can result in situations in which election misconduct cannot realistically be rectified," Barr said in the memo.