npk percents


Well-Known Member
Ok so Im trying to wrap my head around the npk ratios. So it the npk percents per measurement? For example the npk ratio for botanicare would be per ounce?


Active Member
Not sure i understand ur question.....the npk numbers are a percentage say 3-2-4 3%n 2%p 4%k................But if u want the real elemental ratio you need to subtract the oxygen from p and K. So multiply 2 x .43=p, and 4 x .78 =k.....Nitrogen will stay the same, now add a couple zeros behind those numbers now you have a an about ppm ratio.


Well-Known Member
NPK measures percentages of all nutrients in the solution. It has nothing to do with concentration of the fertilizer, and everything to do with the ratios of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and other micro-nutrients (like calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, boron, etc. )

So, a fertilizer that is 20-20-20 is not necessarily "stronger" then a fertilizer that is 10-10-10... it only has proportionately less of the other micro nutrients required to sustain plants.