NPK Ratio Questions


Active Member
Ok so im using AN's three part base with b-52 which in all honesty i haven't been to happy with but anyways...
Micro 4-0-0
Grow 1-1-6
Bloom 0-5-4
B-52 2-1-4

I've been mixing these at one part each to 1/4 strength (minus B-52) so I'm guessing that puts me at 5-6-10 with a low ec (no meter). From what i understand thats way off for a vegging ratio? What im aiming for is something closer to a 3-1-2 ratio. So my question is am I right on this equation and if so how should I adjust my mix to correct this. My thinking was to up my dosage of micro 4 times to make it 17-6-10. But that would probably put EC way higher than where i would want it. And if i cut the dosage of grow/bloom that would put it way to low... So any input????


im having problems posting a question my plants are about 2 weeks old from germination and the leaves look like der dying i have always heard ppl say u shud start feeding when it has 5 set of adult leaves i didn thinl if i fed them it wud do any harm i gave dem one feed of bio-gro and as far as i can remember it all went downhill from der is there any way back from this or have i wasted two weeks work i wud be so grateful if anyone cud help im completly on my own wit this wit no practical experiance i dont want to have 2 keep learnin from mistakes as like most of us weed lovers am on a tight budget thanks​



Active Member
really the only comments i get are some dude jackin my thread? you can post pictures but you can't start your own thread???


dont have a cow man its not my fault no one likes your thread i dunno how 2 do my own so i just posted hopin maybe someone wud help how d fuck did u feel when u wer doin your first grow i bet ye didn give a toss about threads n ngk rations then did ye gimme a break


Well-Known Member
LOL, Hey Buddub, not sure why he's jacking your thread, but to answer YOUR question, I think you should sick with AN's recommend feeding schedule. I own the Sensi Bloom 2-part solution and I noticed the same thing. During bloom AN suggest more P over K. I usually prefer more K, but I can't argue with results. Just keep an eye on your plants. And I agree with the B-52, when I looked at it I wasn't impressed.

The plants are not as picky about nutes as we are. I've seen great growers using 20-20-20 for their entire grow. Makes me think that the plants can adapt pretty well.


Active Member
Hey thanks for the input... the only reason Im tryin to make some adjustments is because my results aren't so good. Ive been having deficiencies and when I step it up im burning my plants. I can't find a middle ground even when I start low and try to build up slowly. Trial and error i guess.


Active Member
Oh and BTW Im still vegging. The ratio i normally have seems like a decent bloom ratio but Im not that far yet.


Active Member
I am here to read about nutrients. How to start threads is in faqs? Any one into the ashes and urine info? How to pee pee million urine for nitrogen and phosphates?


Active Member
Grow 1-1-6
Micro 4-0-0
Bloom 0-5-4

The directions are 4ml per liter. Which is something like a tablespoon or 15ml per gallon. 1/3 of that would be a teaspoon. One teaspoon across the board of the micro/grow/bloom would be a good light all purpose seedling ratio.
2teaspoons micro
1tablespoon grow
1teaspoon bloom
is typical for a veg 3 part recipe. It's the 3:2:1 three part ratio. Advanced however suggest 1:1:1 with their product. Which is cool, because i'm pretty sure they claim their nutrient is plant specific.

But I would still try the 3:2:1 ratio. Also for bloom i'd have to try the 1:2:3 ratio.
Maybe teaspoon grow, two teaspoon micro, tablespoon bloom. Move up to half a tablespoon grow, tablespoon micro, tablespoon and half for flower.

Everything is trial and error. Better to underfeed than to overfeed. I like that youre doing with 1/4 strength(1ml/L). Use the metric system.

Edit: This guy posted link in other thread at the same time mitcho27 posted pic's. Before doing it in here.

EDIT EDIT: Have to leave you this link:

TRIPLE EDIT: I bring this point up occasionally... But
Very much indeed. Add Micro to the reservoir first and to mix it well. Then add Grow, then add Bloom.


Active Member
Ok so after going back and rereading your post and trying to search for some answers I keep coming back to this and I can't figure out where Im going wrong. The recipe you give me is a 3:2:1 ratio of my micro grow bloom. Not of my N-P-K. If you figure that out I believe that puts my N-P-K at 11-8-22. That doesn't seem like a good ratio for vegative growth. Am I over looking something?? Or is understanding of how to mix nutrients just off?

1-1-6 three parts grow
4-0-0 two parts micro
0-5-4 one part bloom

11-8-22 Maybe it doesn't work that way IDK???


Active Member
This stuff blows my brains to peaces but I got to learn it.
Is there no proper guide or calculator?
Why you want bloom in veg any way?


Active Member
Ok so after going back and rereading your post and trying to search for some answers I keep coming back to this and I can't figure out where Im going wrong. The recipe you give me is a 3:2:1 ratio of my micro grow bloom. Not of my N-P-K. If you figure that out I believe that puts my N-P-K at 11-8-22. That doesn't seem like a good ratio for vegative growth. Am I over looking something?? Or is understanding of how to mix nutrients just off?

1-1-6 three parts grow
4-0-0 two parts micro
0-5-4 one part bloom

11-8-22 Maybe it doesn't work that way IDK???
Im not sure about this but 0.0.0 each of the represent each nutrament,dunno which order but for example I think 1.0.0 woul mean ony 1 of your nutraments is being used and it represents 1ml 1.1.0 means 2 of your nutraments are being used at 1ml each..

From what the other person says 3.2.1 in veg im guessing the last is bloom which you dont really need then when he flips it to 1.2.3 your in flower and dropped the veg dose and increased the bloom..

Am I close?Im no jacking your thread here im trying to learn what you are and im sure I read it explained like this but if the numbers are to a ml the how many litres of water does each mill go to.

You know ive grew for years with no probs and I see people doing all this and that with advance nutes and I swear I get similar results just using vita max range.

I think we need a sticky with proper details about this stuff.


Well-Known Member
NPK stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Its measured in percents per weight. The micro bottle is the one you want for veg. You really only need nitrogen and a tiny bit of micronutrients. Normally if your growing in soil all the micro nutrients will be there, but in hydroponics or a sterile medium is going to need micro nutrients added. What I don't like is how AN names their products. Micro is actually the veg nutrient, grow is the micro nutrients, and bloom is your flower. When in doubt just remember this: during veg look for X-0-0, during flower look for 0-X-X. If it happens to have a little N during flower or vice versa don't worry about it. Its just a general guideline and the plant will use what it needs. The best veg fertilizer will have lots of nitrate or will say water soluble nitrogen


Well-Known Member
Actually double check I might be confusing AN grow and micro with another brand. But the NPK advice still holds true


Active Member
Yea i just don't get how you add them up to get the ratios you want. 1mL and 2mL of 4-0-0 is still 4-0-0 but has a higher concentration, right? But when your dealing with ratios would it be 8-0-0 compared to a different nutrient put in the water at 1mL. Im confusing myself....