Nub question... ppm


Active Member
I tried to do a search and read lots of things and i have no idea what people are talking about with ppm what does that mean i thought it was parts per million maybe but its something i should get a reader for like my ph meter? can somebody give a silly nub some informatino please :)


Well-Known Member
PPM is parts per million it is a reading of the total disolved solids in your make up water. 0 PPM means that there are no traces of metals,chemicals, or anything, pure H2O. So when someone says check the PPM that means with a TDS meter (a meter that that tests PPM) check your nute solution to find out your PPM. If you start out with a 0 PPM reading of your water, than after adding your nutes you have a PPM of 450, that tells you that you have 450PPM of nutes in your solution.

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