Nug Machine final MODS ?

It has been narrowed down already to 4, Jack, who broke a little tip off the friggin tap root and had a stinkin setback but spitting out roots.
And there are 2 good AK-47 and a slow Goldleaf bringing up the rear.
Well... Hell... it seems I can't grow a damn Jack Herer anymore ???
It is just lagging behind slowly putting out some roots.
I still have it going but.....
I tossed the last GoldLeaf seedling... super slow, not gonna make it.
So I have 2 pretty robust seedlings, both from my current batch of AK-47.
Fingers crossed that they will be both female.
I think they will be.
Was reading how you make feminized seeds and it seems that I have, somehow.?!
Good shit so let's go for it !
Oh.... look what I "saved" from the cancelled grow.
Keeping her alive.... in DIRT for mother status, some possible clones ???
I was starting to worry cuz the plants weren't doing that great till just recently.
They have really started to pop!
Jack (middle) just might be a player after all.
I really hope so as I love to have a couple different strains to enjoy !
They are all pushing out the 5th node.
I'll be topping next week at this pace.
Can you run three?
Boy... I thought about crowding 2 in one net pot, but the root tub is really perfectly suited for only 2.
I might keep one of them in a dirt pot and set it in the back, at least for a while, for emergency backup...?
Yea, I took off the AeroGarden light hood and removed my supplemental CFL parabola and turned on the BIG DOG, the Phillips CDM.
They are still sitting in the AG tub, but I am gonna transplant this AM.
I have an extra net pot so I punched out a hole on either side so I can accommodate 2 plants in that one.
The lesser of the 2 AK-47 and the Jack Herer.
What the heck, I did add an additional large round air stone so there should be plenty of oxygen for all the roots.
I got a small net pot to use as a root shield over the drain.
I took the old blue screen (that clogs too quickly if roots float up and wrap around it) and modified it to hold the net pot...
AND... you can see that there should be PLENTY of aeration !
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