nuggs 2016

I had a real intense flashback when I was working as a cook at a rib house. I had to take the temperature of the cickens in the huge rotisserie, you could fit 9 spits with 3 birds each. And something about the burners and the way the birds were spinning in there triggered something and I felt like I was peaking on acid. I almost had a meltdown I had to go hide in the bathroom for 20 minutes until I calmed myself down and started to feel normal again all are bringing back some memories. I was a senior in 69, pretty much all of the weed was mexican brick I was picking up for $125 a kilo wrapped in colorful paper. The weed was shitty but the reds,yellows,rainbows,acid,and black beauties were fukin awesome. Bought a thousand count jar of lilly f40s(red's) for $90 once. I sure had a lot of friends back then. The acid was crazy good also, bought quite a few 100 lots. Did a double 4way hit of window pane once, only time I couldn't drive. Bought a 69 mustang in 70 for $500, had a 289 high pro in it. pulled the motor and worked it over pretty good. Pulled an 11.90 quarter mile. No pics of the car, those were the polaroid swinger days.

I had a buddy in HS around 1986 buy 4 different hits of 4-way and proceed to eat all of them after he couldn't feel anything from the first hit after 15 minutes. "Shit must be bunk" lmao. He never was the same really.
We could talk stories about acid for a week lol..i remember the time i bit my wife in the hand cos she tried to take my car keys off me cos i was gonna drive to the star and back..
Yes just one star not all of them im not silly i said lol
That's funny...Most of my trips were 40-45 years ago and still some parts are as vivid today as then.
Back to nuggs grow thread now.
We could talk stories about acid for a week lol..i remember the time i bit my wife in the hand cos she tried to take my car keys off me cos i was gonna drive to the star and back..
Yes just one star not all of them im not silly i said lol
Last 1. Got me rolling again as I woke up. shit. My brother took 2 hours to drive down to the corner 7-11 to pick up some munchies and come back. We only lived 10 minute walk from it and there were no turns, just straight there and back. I can remember the friend we went out with that night stopping in the middle of the road on the way home as he said the light was red. The light was about 100 yards ahead of us.
Last 1. Got me rolling again as I woke up. shit. My brother took 2 hours to drive down to the corner 7-11 to pick up some munchies and come back. We only lived 10 minute walk from it and there were no turns, just straight there and back. I can remember the friend we went out with that night stopping in the middle of the road on the way home as he said the light was red. The light was about 100 yards ahead of us.
The blotter was always cleaner than most. A couple hits of Orange Barrel and your stomach was in a knot for a while.
The cleanest from my experience were micro dots.
I Always used to say that i'm the human strychnine tester. If it was in a hit, I felt it. Bad!
All the micro dots i ever got were always clean.
In the 90's I used to get 100 microdots or a sheet of blotter for 50 bucks. My sister scoredd them for me. She lived in the castro district:-D
I remember my mate and i dropped 3...he needed a shit so he went outside the nightclub to find his car looking for something to wipe his arse with afterwards. ..he found a pice of paper the size of a small coin tore it into a few pieces and wiped his every girl in the club after gave him a wide birth he had shit all over his hands lol
Not real funny but at the time i thought it was
@ruby fruit I went back and read this again and was howling again tears rolling down my cheeks. Sorry for the disruption there @nuggs . Laughter is good for the soul