Nug's 330w CMH grow (5 types of kush)


Well-Known Member
What's up guys? This is my first personal grow. I've been helping my buddy with his commercial grow for the past couple years so I've learned a lot but this is my first personal grow. So far im running 400mh in a 2x4x8 closet with ocean forest soil and hydroton. There is 2 platinum bubba, 1 SFV(san fernando valley) OG, 1 pre98 bubba (from club) and just got some cuttings of plain OG and blackberry OG (from fellow farmer). (I am more of a sativa person but due to area restrictions I decided to do all indicas)

First pic is when I first brought them home (pb, sfv and 98). Under my aerogarden because the closet wasn't ready yet. I think they club that I got them from had the t5 to high up cuz they were ppretty stretched for indicas. My estimate is these are about 3 weeks old (today, not the time the first pic was taken). Someone correct me if im wrong.

The day I tranfered them to the soil. (The og and blackberry in the humidity dome)

Platinum bubba after a week of being in a pot. (7in tall)

SFV OG (yellow leaf is from another plant) (7in tall )

I will post more and better quality pics of the rest of the babies later tonight when I get home. (These are cell pics if u can't tell)

Let me know what u guys think... are they too stretched out?


Well-Known Member
Got bad news and good news.

Good news first. Just added 3 new ladies to the family. My buddy had to get rid of his 3 mothers (mad man og, sfv og and blackberry og) so I decided to adopt em so they don't go to waste.. He lett em stretch out a lot under t5's so they were about 4 feet tall when I got them. So I pretty much had to top them in half down to about 18-20in. The blackberry wasn't too bad but the others I had to trim real good. My other ladies are only about 7-9in tal so had to raise them about 10 in to have them even with the light. Do you guys think this will be a problem? Having more mature plants and lil babies together? I plan on topping the 3 new ones I got to keep them under 20in before I put em into flower.

Bad news. I found spider mites. I suspected I had them because I saw white spots but didn't see any untill 2 days ago. So quarantined the babies n cleaned the room. Got all of the ones I could see of with neem oil and alcohol (not together). Also got some lady bugs today to make sure they don't return, but I know there is a big chance since we have a serious problem with them here in socal.

I will have update pics of the original babies and the new ladies tmrw.


Well-Known Member
the differing plant sizes shouldnt be too big of a deal, as long as u dont veg for too long and they get too big for your space. the nugs will be smaller if u top and spread them out too much. how long do u plan on vegging for? maybe you can grow the clones out to like 2ft or so, then start flowering. the big ones wont get too big, and those clones will have fatter nugs.

the neem should get rid of the spider mites as long as u caught it early enough. i spray every 7 days. continue to spray the neem until a few weeks after flowering starts. this will keep them away. btw, try making the smallest batch possible. i use 3/4tsp. neem in 2 cups of water, with one or 2 drops of dish soap.

i noticed the babies look a little droopy in the second pic. im thinking overwatering. i almost spit out my water when i saw the worm behind the leaf in the third pic lol


Well-Known Member
ok guys picture time... (real camera this time, not the best camera but tried my best)

At has been about 3 weeks since i picked up the 5-6 inch clones from the club. All have been LST'd for about a week except big PB, which I lst'd yesterday.

The first five are of the original the San Fernando Valley (SFV) OG clone I got from the club. I love how the stems look in that one pic. This on is the bushiest.

The next 3 are of the platinum bubba clone I got from the club. This is one is growing the fastest.

Next 1 pic is also platinum bubba .i think it got stressed during transplant or something so didnt grow much for a lil while but in the last two days started growin like no other.

Next 1 pic is the pre-98 bubba, which I also think got stressed or something because it didnt grow much. (might be the strain? i ono?) but it also has started growing a lot in the past few days.

The last pics are of the 3 mothers that I got the other day from my buddy because he was going to trash them. They were under t5's so they stretched out a lot. The real bushy one is Blackberry OG, the slim ones are Mad Man OG and SFV OG (got 2 of those now by conciedence). I chopped them down to about 20 inches and I think I might trim some more.

I want to get the babbies to atleast 15 inches and then start flowering so that will be atleast a couple more weeks. I do have about 6 feet of height so I can get em pretty tall, but now since I got these mothers in I have a total of 7 plants in a 4x2x8 area under 400w mh (i have another 400w mh to use but would rather not)! Which is way too much in my opinion because i usually dont run more the a plant per 100w. So what do you guys this I should do? I was thinking of doing some king of scrog set up but im not sure. Suggestion would be great.

Sorry for the long essay.

P.S. All the babies that were in that humidity dome got trashed because of long story, but i did take 4 cuttings of the new mothers when I topped them. So techinically i have 11 plants in there now haha. (put em in bags this time cuz i got no room for the dome now)

Enjoy the pics.



Active Member
All those babies are looking good...especially compared to the first pics.....with the diff. in height you might want to Scrog them but for 2x4 it's going to get pretty cramped..... but you still got a lot of height to work could FIM'em? If not just put the tall ladies on the edges of the room.? I've got eight in 2x4x5 so i dont have the height u got but I FIM'd four of em, topped two of 'em and let the last two grow tall. I cut 'em a week or two before flower and when they took off I just moved the tallest to the edges and push the shortest (FIM'd) to the middle...I made a little SCROG with no Screen they lined up pretty well like a Big "U" shape...I'm leaning toward fimming all of 'em next time and making a legit SCROG. I notice so far, i'll have to wait till dry weight comes, that the fim'd trees are producing more than the topped ladies and a lot more than the straight shooters.....You there though so u make the call. this is just my opinion?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. I think I will go ahead and fim them. I already topped 2 of the babies (one by accidentt when I supercropped it too much). How many times do u think I can fim/top them without gettin too small of buds?

By the way I think you have the exact same closet as me haha with the same swingin door


Well-Known Member
hey kronicgrower, if u didnt have that cool tube, id say turn that light 90 dedgrees.

lostnug, when u start to flower, try using both those MH's. or get an HPS thats like 600W


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. I think I will go ahead and fim them. I already topped 2 of the babies (one by accidentt when I supercropped it too much). How many times do u think I can fim/top them without gettin too small of buds?

By the way I think you have the exact same closet as me haha with the same swingin door
id say top/fim the tall ones twice at the most. dont top the smaller ones so they can catch up in height. plus when u flower em, theyll have fatter nugs


Active Member
Luger, do you mean if i didn't have a hood on top just let the "loose' bulb hang vertical between 'em? heat was a major issue so this is what i was stuck info helps though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Illl probably only top the big ones if really have to so they don't get too big when i start flowering. The problem with running that other 400 is the room. If I put both in they barely fit and siit up against the wall. So I was thinking I could run the second one without the hood (hanging verticaly) , get a smaller hood or run them both on 45 degree forming like a triangle u know? What do you guys think? I've never hung lights verticaly with no hoods so no experience with that at all. Help be appreciated.

I also have a 1000 w HPS that we didn't use at our 12k medical grow so I could use that for flower but it is an aircooled hood which means I would have to do more work the closet and add another exhaust to my room.

I am also planning on gettin those new phillips CMH bulb for the MH. I have been doing a lot of reading on flowering with mh and cmh and many cornesiuers (sp?) say that mh will produce better buds then the hps since they provide red and blue spectrums. I have been using hps for flowering ever since I've been doing this and get fantastic results but really want to try flowering with the CMH and see what happens. The CMH bulbs also produce significantly much less heat then reg bulbs so maybe I wont have to run my ac now!


Active Member
1000w HPS aircooled is probably the way to go... but if your just trying dif. shit i'm not to fimiliar with CMH...sounds like a good plan though two 400's. and hanging vertical I dont think you got enough room, temps going to be an issue...check your lumens. I mean you've done HPS, why not check out CMH, you know.


Well-Known Member
Yeah want to try something different for sure. If I don't see better quality I will use the hps next time around. I juust remembered that my hoods can fit two bulbs in one so I will most likely put the second 400w bulb in as long as heat isn't too much of an issue.

I don't know what im going too do about the lady bugs because I wanna spray some more neem oil but I know it will most likely kill them. I still got bunch left so might just have to replace them.


Well-Known Member
Luger, do you mean if i didn't have a hood on top just let the "loose' bulb hang vertical between 'em? heat was a major issue so this is what i was stuck info helps though.
no i mean turn it sideways. the areas to the sides of the bulb spread farther than the areas on the top and bottom. in that first pic, u can see it clearly on the left. if u were to turn the bulb sideways, theyd all get good light. idk how u would do that with that cooltube in there though. maybe cut a hole in the back of the tent for a duct hole?

take the light out and shine it on the floor. u will see what im talking about


Well-Known Member
Yeah want to try something different for sure. If I don't see better quality I will use the hps next time around. I juust remembered that my hoods can fit two bulbs in one so I will most likely put the second 400w bulb in as long as heat isn't too much of an issue.

I don't know what im going too do about the lady bugs because I wanna spray some more neem oil but I know it will most likely kill them. I still got bunch left so might just have to replace them.
id still spray the plants. u can replace ladybugs if they die. or do a neem soil drench.

hows that second MH doing? is the hood youre using an air cooled?


Well-Known Member
Yeah fuck it just gonna spray them. I already did the neem soil drench. I haven't put the other 400 in yet. Both the 400s r old school open style (not aircooled). 1 hood can hold 2 bulbs so I think im just going to run both bulbs in the same hood. Ill take a pic tonight so u guys can see what im talking about. Ill be running atleast one cmh bulb maybe two depending on money situation. My closet isn't set up for aircooled so if I wanna run my aircooled 1000hps id have to set up another exhause for the light whiich I don't really wanna do. The highest the temp gets without the ac on is 84 so if I add the second 400w I might have to run the ac a lot more


Active Member
Grow is lookin really nice Nug hope you can keep those pesky spider mites away they killed a plant on me in calgary before little fockers lol.. i read on wiki that you can rid of them by using Co2 as well much safer then the chemicals but i never used it before so i wouldn't know for sure!
Here is the info i read just sharing some knowledge:
Agricultural and biological applications

Plants require carbon dioxide to conduct photosynthesis. Greenhouses may (if of large size, must) enrich their atmospheres with additional CO2 to sustain and increase plant growth.[18][19][20] A photosynthesis-related drop (by a factor less than two) in carbon dioxide concentration in a greenhouse compartment would kill green plants, or, at least, completely stop their growth. At very high concentrations (a factor of 100 or more higher than its atmospheric concentration), carbon dioxide can be toxic to animal life, so raising the concentration to 10,000 ppm (1%) or higher for several hours will eliminate pests such as whiteflies and spider mites in a greenhouse.[21] Carbon dioxide is used in greenhouses as the main carbon source for Spirulina algae.
In medicine, up to 5% carbon dioxide (130 times the atmospheric concentration) is added to oxygen for stimulation of breathing after apnea and to stabilize the O2/CO2 balance in blood.
It has been proposed that carbon dioxide from power generation be bubbled into ponds to grow algae that could then be converted into biodiesel fuel


Well-Known Member
Nice grow, keep up the good work!! I saw how you cloned on the first page, a good tip from me to you is to put a 1/2" layer of moist soil on the bottom of the clone tray before putting cuts in, this stops them from drying out and wilting as fast, the cuts stay looking healthy and this has improved my cloning rates to 90 - 100%. Try it I know you'll love the results. I've got the Larry OG it's the bomb!


Well-Known Member
greenewfie: thanks man. most of them seem to be gone but i did see a couple of them on very bottom leaf yesterday. they werent moving though so dont know if the neem messed them up or if there just sleepin haha? The problem with co2 is that my room is not sealed so it would just be getting sucked right out the exhause. I could shut down the exhaust and intake and fill it up with the co2. so i will look into this. thanks for the info. my last resort for the mites is this product called SMA or something (forgot the name) but it works like magic. ive heard nothing but good feedback on it from fellow farmers, only downside is that is has chemicals in (which i do not like) but i might just have to go that route especially when i start flowering.

symbiote420: thanks for the tip man. 2 things happend to those original cuttings. first my gf knocked em over and more then half of them fell outa the rockwool (stupid females) and then the rockwool dried out so that was it. the reset cuttings i took i had stick straight into soil because i got baked and couldnt find where i put the rockwool. they seem to be doing great. only problem is I dont have room for them so im either going to give em away or put them in the aerogarden. never heard of Larry OG but sounds cool. i love OGs

ok heres some more pics....

the Platinum bubba and pre 98 that didnt grow much the first couple weeks are now exploding with growth. I also did some more LSTing on each plant to fill the space better (except the moms cuz stems are to thick). Trying couple different ways. Im doing 2 in spiral shape, 1 in a "S" shape, and one kind of like a spider (branches in all directions).

I also put the hood from aerogarden for a lil extra side light. i will keep it there unless i decide to throw those cuttings under it

Enjoy pics. (sorry about the shitty quality, gf had her camera so used my phone)


Mad Man OG (old mother) startin to get lil bushy

the set up (fuck those expensive wall mount fans, got a $15 target one and screwed it into the wall ahah)

Heres the pic of how i would run both bulbs in one hood

group shot haha