nuit burn i think???

2 plants with the phh thing saying the nuit level is 22 and ph is 6.3 which i no is right, 12 on 12 off there on bloom on week 8, iv flushed the 2 plants and there now running on normal water with the ph on 6.3 with no nuit, can some one tell me how long i keep em on normal water be4 i put them back onto the bloom nuits again? cheers ppl

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
you dont put them back if they are at week 8 already, should be thinking to chop not feed....if indica`s
what is 22 for a nuite level...22 and 6.3...what medium though?
med is perlite and them clay balls, i have a ph meter and another for nuites, ph is 6.3 and the other meter read at 22, i no i should look into chopping, but i normally do a 10 week cycle on bloom.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
why 10 weeks. if its indi tis way to done by then and is more a couch lock smoke and less potent if turned to amber trich`s

ok well 6.3 is high for that medium. should be running hydro ph at like 5.5 or so then. and you still need to know what that 22 means,,there is ec, cf,tds and ppm. im thinking its cf as its about same as ec and the ec would be 2.2, cf would be 22. if its not reading in cf then 22 dosnt make sence
hmmm i shall go an check, 10 weeks is what the bloke at the hydro store said and he gave me a little sheet on how to follow, the trich's are still white aswell, yeah its ec aswell that was showing 22 i have just changed the water and im now just running the plain water thru it, what should the ph be if the med is soil?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
no way its ec...way way way to hot then. 1 ec is equal to 500-700 ppm. so 22 is more than any pen can read even. i bet its cf.
what is the strain anyways

soil pH is about 6.3 to 6.6
soiless about 5.8 to 6.3
coco is about 5.7 to 6.1
hydro is about 5.5 to 5.8

once you set the pH you also need to let it sit for about 1/2 hour at least before using, it will still rise till its ballanced right and should be at 68 degree for true 7pH. temp plays a big diff in pH readings as well as the ec, couple degree will throw it off

for best nutrient uptakes
cheers man, i dont have a clue what the strain is sorry i dnt think the guy i got it off knew aswell!! must be cf haha its a yellow pen,

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
got any pics of pen or model #, and pics of leaves on plants, should be able to at least tell what dom it is

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ya you need to get that pH right. that should be way bigger by now. looks close to about a 60/40 sativa/indi, so ya about 9/10 weeks and cut it. but being youve been off on foods it will go longer

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ok so 22 cf is same as 2.,2 ec. there are 2 scales to convert ec to ppm. multiply the 2.2 by .5 or .7 conversion factors and thats what the ppm will be, use the .5 scale. so at 1 ec its 500 ppm. 2 ec is 1000ppm. shouldnt even need more than about 1200 to 1500 ppm at full feed.
i had another clone with the same strain and that was a double the size but died coz of root bound, why do u think this one is so small?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
plants dont die from root bound. ive grow plants for months in cups and never dies on me. id say its smaller cause the ph is high so it isnt getting the needed foods at the right ballance