Numbering convention and alternatives


Well-Known Member
So as a breeder i ran into a problem ive been messing with ideas how to deal with, and that is non-repeating cataloging of large quantities of plants.I only name a plant once it has made it to clone maturity and will proceed to flower. They're just another plant to keep healthy during elimination for selection criteria before taking a cutting for cloning.
Example: When i pop the same strain seeds again i will have two Grape Kush #1's but i already have a GK#1 in the clone room...if i pop another 10 seeds i already have GK#2, GK#3, GK#4, you follow?
I decided yesterday im going to use timestamp. I thought about Unix timestamp, but too long a number sequence.
So just regular old timestamp...there will never be another 11-1-22-3:56...unless i start work at 3:56 in the morning and go all day. It can happen where i would have a morning
11-2-22-3:56AM (GK#11-2-22-356)and an
11-2-22-3:56PM but the chances are slim and i can just add out to remove the double, example: "instead of 11-2-22-356 I'll just add a minute and call this 11-2-22-357 after i check for that existing or not. I remove the colon on the actual plant tags.
Yes, we could do GK#11-2-22-356P but I'm not convinced that's a good way to go. Data likes numbers, you put a letter at the end of only half the names and your spreadsheet could get all fucked up.
Scientists have renamed 27 human genes to stop Microsoft Excel misreading them as dates.
So it's a thing and awareness makes me think stay away from AM/PM markers in naming.

I would find myself working on a plant far away from my paperwork and be wondering "should i name this GK#14 or GK#15? Where did i leave off?"
So with this method i can be anywhere at anytime in front of any unnamed plant ready to clone, transplant and flower...just look at my phone for time and date and BAM! That plant has a unique identifier and tracks to a clone with the same unique identity number. GK#11-2-22-356
I'm interested in legal grows methods of tracking each plant but remember im not legal so that's why i dont know about that.
I would think they just need to know it's Grape Kush...they don't need to know if that plant tracks to a clone in the clone room for further breeding, among the other clones from the same bloodline.
Any other methods of naming and tracking plants/clones?
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