Nursing a houseplant back to health


Active Member
I have a houseplant (Dieffenbachia), which is near impossible to kill. Initially, I ignored it and it flourished, but my cat kept dropping it, breaking 90% of the leaves off.

After some leaves grew back, I put it near a high power light to try to speed it back up to health, but that bleached the chlorophyll, making the leaves useless.

Then my cat fought with it and ripped it out of the soil, taking out nearly 80% of the root system..

I planted it back.. and it's still alive, producing new (tiny) leaves.

Here's my question, how can I stop the plant from producing new leaves and have it put all its energy into root growth?

I cut off every big leaf and left a few small healthy ones. What else should I do?

This plant isn't aesthetically appealing. It's just a long stem with 2 small crooked leaves growing, and it's in a huge pot, so it looks pretty ugly. But I've had it for years, and would love to see it vibrant again. No real reason why, it's just a challenge I'm taking on.


Active Member
Giving it very little light source and pruning some of the leaves will help any plant focus mainly on its root system. From the sound of it, you dont have much pruning to do.


Active Member
You can post this in the gardening section. Someone might be able to help you a little better.