Nut trees?


Well-Known Member
Anyone know where I can source bare root trees? Walnut, hazlenut,pistachio, almond? Thanks I'll add more when i can think of them. I was told a large norcal supplier is going out of business. I'm having difficulty finding them..
Thanks if u know any sources.
Have you ordered from them? I'm looking for someone with personal experience . I want a long term relationship with a vendor. I have one for Christmas trees who my cousin uses for his farm in PA. But I can do general searches though. Thanks

i did not do the ordering and we were just a group of guys who bought a thousand to get a nice discount.

the guy who organized it has bought from them numerous times over the last 5 years. i think he is happy with them.

good luck. give 'em a call, can't hurt. plus i don't know if they even carry the trees you seek.
Have you ordered from them? I'm looking for someone with personal experience . I want a long term relationship with a vendor. I have one for Christmas trees who my cousin uses for his farm in PA. But I can do general searches though. Thanks
Haha identify a tree species yourself and if a family member has a big tree take cuts of a beautiful tree. If they give you the o.k. prunes there tree. An gives you good cuttings or dig up plant sprouts from nuts
Haha identify a tree species yourself and if a family member has a big tree take cuts of a beautiful tree. If they give you the o.k. prunes there tree. An gives you good cuttings or dig up plant sprouts from nuts
My family live 2400 miles away and most of what I'm looking for is not native to the area. We are running seed now but looking to get a jump start..
Anyone know where I can source bare root trees? Walnut, hazlenut,pistachio, almond? Thanks I'll add more when i can think of them. I was told a large norcal supplier is going out of business. I'm having difficulty finding them..
Thanks if u know any sources.
There is a big supplier of Pecan trees in Baldwin Co. Ala.. Don't know what else they may stock. Although I personaly do not like to spend money in that state.
Maybe some books from the library about native trees to your area
Lols. So you have no clue to the answer of my question. I get plenty of books from the library. I own books on native plants but it is not what I am looking for now. Not sure how a book on any native plants will help me with non native plants. But I have since purchased a book about raising nut orchards and it had quite a few places listed to source bare root tree/saplings from. I couldn't wait for your help or lack there of any longer. Lols thanks anyways
Lols. So you have no clue to the answer of my question. I get plenty of books from the library. I own books on native plants but it is not what I am looking for now. Not sure how a book on any native plants will help me with non native plants. But I have since purchased a book about raising nut orchards and it had quite a few places listed to source bare root tree/saplings from. I couldn't wait for your help or lack there of any longer. Lols thanks anyways
Oh I thought you were
Lols. So you have no clue to the answer of my question. I get plenty of books from the library. I own books on native plants but it is not what I am looking for now. Not sure how a book on any native plants will help me with non native plants. But I have since purchased a book about raising nut orchards and it had quite a few places listed to source bare root tree/saplings from. I couldn't wait for your help or lack there of any longer. Lols thanks anyways
I misread your post you said non native thought you said native .why does it have to be cuttings? Have you looked at treeseeds ?but I think its just seeds. They take credit cards. Talk to any grower go to a farmer maket. An ask if they grow nut trees or know anyone. if so make a offer. Cuttings are a great achievement. An learning process but seeds. I prefer seeds then making cuttings. Like i keep pics of the mother pecan tree of my cuttings and have the sibling cuttings pics its different variety than its mother.