nute burn, cutting affected leaves

Seems like my plants have all but pulled through, day by day there looking more and more lush, happy days

Hard to tell from the photos but they do look good. I do see some leaf chlorosis, which I pointed out before.

Assuming you're new at this, the challenges really don't start until you get into about week 3 of flowering. I'm talking leaf retention. The more the leaf loss, the more yields are compromised.

This is the easy part.

Good luck
conventional chemicals and organics. I network with other commercial growers, farmers, greenhouse managers, vineyard managers, peach orchard owners and NO ONE in their right mind is or would consider any such products. It's just frickin' stupid.

UB[/QUOTE] if i can grow using these products they cant be that bad, 40 plus years experi
Hard to tell from the photos but they do look good. I do see some leaf chlorosis, which I pointed out before.

Assuming you're new at this, the challenges really don't start until you get into about week 3 of flowering. I'm talking leaf retention. The more the leaf loss, the more yields are compromised.

This is the easy part.

Good luck
When i first posted i was quite concerned about my plants, think i caught a lucky break when i swapped the feed, had i of vegged a week longer my plants might not have made it
Hard to tell from the photos but they do look good. I do see some leaf chlorosis, which I pointed out before.

Assuming you're new at this, the challenges really don't start until you get into about week 3 of flowering. I'm talking leaf retention. The more the leaf loss, the more yields are compromised.

This is the easy part.

Good luck
And yeah ive never grown before, ive seen grows, whole different ball game trying to do it yourself though.
Uncle ben come on man r u serious? Ur trying to tell me u dont need u supllement amino's in your grow? Then u def arent reaching full potential from your plants..nthere are plenty of scholarly articles on L-Amino and D-Amino. L-Amino are the ones you want to use its scientifically proven go look it up. Yes plants produce some basic form of amino but when ideal growing conditions and your rhizosphere isnt in perfect balance the production of internal amino slow and can stop! Thats why products are called Amino "aids" they aid in providing optimal amino for nutrient transport throughout your plant and help break down proteins to carry out photosynthesis and respisration what are you talking.. But once again u know everything but its funny that evey nutrient line has amino additives but thats just snake oil too you bcuz A: you dont know better and B: you dont know what youre talking about C: you think everything you dont use doesnt work bcuz youve never tried it because you use a book from 1982 as a reference point when alot has been proven in the lab backed by science to help increase yields ad growth called plant science go look it up.. You think i just pull this out of my ass brah? Ur fuckin crazy man seriously stop ur bs just like ur Canna post tellin people its only been on market for 14 years when its been around since 1979 so please stfu every post u make proves that u know less and less and less about what ur doing
Dude what changes week 3 in flowering thats so difficult? Thats another stupid statement, week 1-2 of bloom are critical periods in making sure ur root zone and rhizosphere sre balanced. Thats why u use bacteria and microbes primarily up until end of week 2 because thats when pythium and root rot take hold..ntheres no difference between week 1-2 and week 3 and 6 where do u come up with this BS? Lmao..
Dude what changes week 3 in flowering thats so difficult? Thats another stupid statement, week 1-2 of bloom are critical periods in making sure ur root zone and rhizosphere sre balanced. Thats why u use bacteria and microbes primarily up until end of week 2 because thats when pythium and root rot take hold..ntheres no difference between week 1-2 and week 3 and 6 where do u come up with this BS? Lmao..

Man, is RIU a magnet for these nutjobs or what!

Just a note - I've been posting (and modded) cannabis forums for about 15 years and it never fails, there's always some smart ass, some legend in his own mind kid, that is advising folks to throw this and that at their plants...saying they need some crap that is absolutely not needed. Totally making things as expensive, complicated, and confusing as can be.

I'm a normal commercial grower that networks with other normal, legitimate growers, gardeners. You come into our space hawking this stupidity and like now, you'll be laughed right out of the room.

Gonna clue you in kid, again, the ONLY thing plants require is 16 essential elements. They don't need no bottled microbe rocket fuels, no bottled PK boosters, no bacteria....none of it. The delivery of water and those elements, salts, is immaterial as long as you're providing them to the plants - aeroponics, NFT, DWC, organic soils with composts, soil's all the same.

Gonna pop your bubble again. I have an old friend, probably in his early 80's, that is a pioneer in a certain niche plant material and the conversation came about regarding myco application for container grown plants. He did the experiment using a control group, some got mychorrizae/trichoderma/bacteria, some didn't. After 3 years there was no difference in plant quality. He also divulged that he had read a scientific journal stating that myco microbes have NO benefit regarding container gardening. Application of endo or ecto might have some benefit to native soils that have been mechanically or chemically altered. Even rain water which I collect in bulk and use on tropical fruit trees contains microbes and some nitrates.

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Hahahaha ok.. Dude if your growing organics microbes and bacteria are the most beneficial part of your garden if you dont supllement beneficial microbes than ur just waiting for a breedign grounds of bad bacteria causing pests and diseases into your garden youre an absolute dip shit like i said the more u talk the dumber u sound. Myco are vitally imoortant to explosive root growth but ok yah noone needs them.. How r u gonna say beneficial bacteria isnt important when it serves some many purposes including eating dead and old material in ur rhizosphere breakind down old nutrient and contamination inryour soil u really believe this bs u write seriously?? How does organic break down without beneficisl bacteria and microbes plesse explain?
Could plants even survive in coco coir without any nutrients? I thought one of the main reasons people use coco is so they can fully control there own nute plan?

I was told that my plants wouldnt even make it past week 1 in coco just on water??
Kid, go back and find the posting of a few of my plants that had dark green foliage about 6-7 weeks into flowering with NO leaf loss. Know why? Lots of blood meal. Thought I had explained it quite clearly. If they received any plant food or not it was probably Schultz Miracle Gro from Walmart. Same with my avatar.
Could plants even survive in coco coir without any nutrients? I thought one of the main reasons people use coco is so they can fully control there own nute plan?

I was told that my plants wouldnt even make it past week 1 in coco just on water??

Come on, you need to do some outside reading. Again, this is not a good place for bonafide botanical info.

Having said that, I thought I had answered that question before, again, no coco does not have nutritional value until it starts breaking down and then it's pretty balanced - 1-1-1 but too late for your plant needs. Don't know about the micros but if memory serves me correct it is deficient in that area too. That is why I recommended treating it as soil less and making sure you give it a complete plant food like Dyna-Gro.

Some people use coco because it is trendy to do so.

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Blood meal is only used as one of many ways to supplement high nitrogen ferts in organics for top dressing and amendments for super soils, u can also u worm castings that serve the swme purpose as do different forms of guano and fish poop. Whats ur point? We were talking about how ur tellin people they dont need microbes, mycorrizhae or bene's in their soil? Youre wrong lol
Coco isnt just trendy its called something new that ppl are now using because unlike peat coco has natural buffering capabilities where as peat is acidic.. People also like coco because it doesnt harm the environment like peat which bogs take hundreds of years to form and we sre cuttin them down snd stripping them of essential nutrition to make soiless mixes such as pro-mix. Coconuts are the biggest seeds on the planet and therefore contain vital sources of calcium, mag, iron and other building blocks for plant nutrition thats why coco coir and coco palms are such is great innovation in marijuana cultivation. Furthermore, coco is a soilless medium duh ur supposed treat it as such lmao, coco also makes plants grow more vigorously because u are able to feed more and more often because it has less water retention than peat and doesnt get compressed or compacted giving u the ability to added more sir and oxygen into your rhizosphere thus enhancing plant growth. Only thing w coco is u need to add alot more calcium because coco fibers binds calcium in a process called chation exchange the first few weeks of coco u need to up calcium 2x normal rate so u dont get deficiencies. Using coco also important to make sure u get washed and cleaned coco otherwise u need to do that before using it as a medium
Come on, do some outside reading. If you had done your homework to find out the nutritional value of coco you wouldn't be fishing for answers at Troll-It-Up. Again, this is not a good place for bonafide botanical info.

Having said that, I thought I had answered that question before, again, no coco does not have nutritional value until it starts breaking down and then it's pretty balanced - 1-1-1 but too late for your plant needs. Don't know about the micros but if memory serves me correct it is deficient in that area too. That is why I recommended treating it as soil less and making sure you give it a complete plant food like Dyna-Gro.

Some people use coco because it is trendy to do so.

Haha following trends is all im doing at the moment, belive me when i say i had no intention of growing until 2 weeks before it happend, it was spare of the moment thing, i smoke alot of bud, im sick to the back teeth of hearing off dealers that they have the best bud, then end up paying £50 for a quarter of mediocre any skunk, i understand yours 2 arguments but whos to say who's doing what best if you both grow good, i'm alot younger than what it says on my profile, i just dont want ppl calling me a kid, but even i realize they'll be 1000s of experts that have different opinions and none of then will differ, to me it shows that each and every person has there own way of doing things and just as long as you achieve then it cant be wrong
I was growing orchids commercially in coco in the late 70's. It is not new.

Like SCROG, DWC, and much of the other stuff you find folks doing with cannabis, using coco is trendy.

If really want to be Joe Cool, grow in osmunda fiber.
Oh btw
Coco isnt just trendy its called something new that ppl are now using because unlike peat coco has natural buffering capabilities where as peat is acidic.. People also like coco because it doesnt harm the environment like peat which bogs take hundreds of years to form and we sre cuttin them down snd stripping them of essential nutrition to make soiless mixes such as pro-mix. Coconuts are the biggest seeds on the planet and therefore contain vital sources of calcium, mag, iron and other building blocks for plant nutrition thats why coco coir and coco palms are such is great innovation in marijuana cultivation. Furthermore, coco is a soilless medium duh ur supposed treat it as such lmao, coco also makes plants grow more vigorously because u are able to feed more and more often because it has less water retention than peat and doesnt get compressed or compacted giving u the ability to added more sir and oxygen into your rhizosphere thus enhancing plant growth. Only thing w coco is u need to add alot more calcium because coco fibers binds calcium in a process called chation exchange the first few weeks of coco u need to up calcium 2x normal rate so u dont get deficiencies. Using coco also important to make sure u get washed and cleaned coco otherwise u need to do that before using it as a medium
I did what u said and fed my plants a few litres until it ran out and this morning when i went in they looked nice, usually before lights out they slump abit but they wasnt this morning so they defo liked the extra feed, so im gonna keep on giving it to them
.... but even i realize they'll be 1000s of experts that have different opinions and none of then will differ, to me it shows that each and every person has there own way of doing things and just as long as you achieve then it cant be wrong

You need to re-read post 187.

I grow strictly from a vantage point of botany. The principles of botany can never be refuted no matter who or what new member comes along spouting their know-it-all bullshit.

Having said that, what did you think of that plant nutrition info/link, or did you bother to read it?

Im not reading anything you post information wise, nothing u say interest me enough. From ur responses to severwl ppl on here its my assumption that u dont know what ur tslking about in regards to multiple things including

U tell ppl molasses isnt useful and does nothing for u thats fuckin hillarious

U told ppl they dont need silicates another line of bs they absolutely should be using them

U tell ppl now they dont neeb use mycos, microbes or benes thats absolute bs and is vitally important when runing organics

U told other people u dont need co2 thats fuckin hillarious

U tell ppl dyna gro and walmart foods are all u need and that by marketing and high priced foods sre snake oil which is more BS u spew to ppl.. U tell ppl that advanced is just marketing over priced nutrients becusse sll their shit has so many bottles because apparently u dont understand that they need to breakdown all of their products into seperste bottles because the molecular structure of the ingredients wouldnt stay together if they didnt, whats imoortant and great about advance din having sep bottles for all the supplements is to make changes and add more or less of each elemtn depending on plants needs

So no im not interested in snything u have to say as i find thats its all outdated and for most part absolute bs that u just simply dont know what ur talking about for modern growing in the 21st century alot of shit u say has been disproven and make little to no sense including what ur tellin people about aminos and the latter. So nope not interested readng anymore of ur so called information bucz it aint gonna help anyone.
U keep talking about botany and n-p-k levels. Thats only a small part of the equation those sre only 3 of the primar macro nutrients

Calcium and magnesium levels are also just as imoortant to proper growth as npk is but u never speak of that. U focus on tellin people all they need is a balanced npk ratio which yes they need somewhat be balanced because they all work hand in hand but a 1-1-1 ratio is not ideal for overall growt. Plants esp cannabis require varying levels of macro nutrients throughout the stages of flowering specficially 4 different stages.. Veg is easy and the plants dont require as much as they do during flowering

I just find it funny that u tell people that the micro nutrients such as silicstes and amino acids dont need to be supllemented and thats just not true.

Beneficisls microbes and myco's using orgwnics is absolutely vital and is the backbone for any good grow in organics for a variety of purposes. Like i stated when running hydroponics such as dwc and aeroponics then no beneficial and microbes are not as important as they primsrily serve one purpose whic is to compete against bad bacteria causing root rot and pythium

In organics they serve many purposes including breaking downproteins and nutrients for optimal plant uptake, they out compete basd disease and mold causing bacterias in your root zone making it a healthy and stable environment for your roots and their rhizosphere and also aid in root development and mass so tellin people they arent important and that u should be innoculating yornroot zone with such products is absolute nonsense