Nute burn?? helppppp!

I put my plant in the hydro system about a week ago and started giving it nutes and then brown spots started showing on my leaves. However i had a ton of new growth and those look great. Ive been flushing it since the leaves turned brown and it seems to be doing better. when should i go back to the nutes? or is this even nute burn?

before nute burn when first put into the hydro system
hydro 1.jpgAfter a couple days of nutes
nute burn 1.jpg
nute burn 2.jpg
New growth
new growth.jpg




Well-Known Member
It looks like you got bad ph to, or that maybe thats the issue from the looks of small new growth. You pHing?


Well-Known Member
You gotta keep ph optimal or your plant will stunt and show deficiency, look at my YouTube channel in my sig, my video shows what fucked up ph will do.


Ouch! Go easy on the nutrients. Make sure your pH is right and give them 1/2 strength until you get new growth.