Nute burn ? Light burn ? Wind burn ?


got home from work everything's looking amazing and she's doing really well, 21 days old she's got new nodes flying out everywhere and pestils popping up to. Just don't know what these yellow leaf tips are. They are only at the top of her on the fresh leaves, I don't know whether it's my circulation fan causing wind burn or a nute deficiancy or is it that she's grown closer to the light and it's too much for her. It's a 250w hps and it's about a 12-18" off the top ? Also got these little yellow dots any ideas can't find a definite diagnosis on google so I need to pick you guys brains



Well-Known Member
Duplicate thread. See

PS, I'm sure it's not wind burn. But, you don't want to blast your plants with direct air. I bounce it off a wall or floor. Or, oscilate across the bottoms?

Light burn should result in an overall fade (bleach) or some brown, crispy necrosis. But, I don't use HPS so I may not recognize that kind of burn.

It looks like nute burn to me, as mentioned in the other thread. But, I could be wrong. Something looks lockout'ish to me.


I bouncing mine off the walls to just to strengthen her if she gets a heavy yield, I'm hoping it's nute burn so I can solve the problem easily, I'm going to keep my feed below 1/2 the entire grow and maybe take it up to 3/4 on the last two weeks before flushing