Nute burn, now what?

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
Hey guys i fed my plants last friday with a Neptune's harvest hydrolized fish ferts. I hit em at 1/2 strength and i think it was too much for my powerplant. I hit my Big blue(NL#5xblueberry) with the same mix and it took it like a champ. I flushed the soil on sunday and then i hit em with superthrive yesterday, the plant is doing fine it just got a few of the old leaves a lil burnt.

What should i do with the plant that got nute burnt? how should i go about feeding it? 1/4 strength? how many times a week?


Well-Known Member
waite till she dries up good then start at 1/4 strenght. is that all you give her? no other nutes

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
yea that fish fert and superthrive is all they get.

again how many times a week should i feed at 1/4?


Well-Known Member
depends on watyer schedule but about once a week or every 3rd watering. what iv`e read about the fish fert is that instead of increasing the dossage give it to them more often as they need it. you should have ppm and ph meter to see if they are using the nutes you feed them and the ph pen because nutes usualy lower the ph and will lock up if not adjusted

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
ok im a lil more oldschool never had to deal with meters/levels, but i am willing to the extra mile for my smoke. Where can i find a ppm and ph meter cheap? What does ppm measure? and what is a normal ph range for my soil?

If you can give me a small walkthrough the ppm/ph levels that would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
i can do a quicky right now, but have to go to work soon so i can help more after work if you like.
ppm or ec shows the level ofelectrical curent in the nute solution. i`ll post levels later for the different levels required for stages of growth. ph meter tels the ph level of the water or nute mix. 7 is nutral, try to keep about 6.5 or so. what soil are you using? you need to test the run off of soil after watering and ppm/ec to see if plant is drinking the amount of nutes you feed her. say a ppm/ of 400 goes in over 3 feedings and each time you test run off it goes down 35o then 300 then you know you can increase the amount of nutes but if it stays the same or drops only slowly then waite. those numbers are onkly an example. the ph tester i use is just a cheepo liquid type for 7 bucks the pens are about 100, but more accurate, or a combo ppm/ec ph pen is about 200. if you cant afford both get a ph test for now. that is the most important. if you stick to the recomended dose for nutes the ppm shoukld be ok.
how old are they? i`ll be back around dinner time

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
they are about 21 days into flowering...thats kinda sad. only one was affected and it was the smaller one. (maybe cause it got the bottom of the gallon and the stuff didnt stay solute very long). the other one is really nice green color looking great. Ill get some pics in next week but i dont have a cam right now. the one that was affected has some burnt tips on the older fan leaves and somewhat lighter green appearance on the same leaves. Bud sites still nice and green with barely any burnt tips. Ill try to get that ph tester this weekend and make sure its not a nute lockout due to ph inbalance.


Well-Known Member
ok im a lil more oldschool never had to deal with meters/levels, but i am willing to the extra mile for my smoke. Where can i find a ppm and ph meter cheap? What does ppm measure? and what is a normal ph range for my soil?

If you can give me a small walkthrough the ppm/ph levels that would be awesome.
Parts Per Million. It measures water soluble nutes.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!