Alexander Supertramp
Well-Known Member
run off pH. a long running joke around here.......
Tap Water ppm: 65-70What was the pH of your runoff?
Have you seen any improvement??
Forgot to mention, after flushing, I tested the pH runoff but it was still in the pH 4.7-4.9 zone... shouldn't the flush have cleared out the salt buildup thus increasing the pH runoff level? The flush did increase the runoff by about 0.1-0.2 but I was hoping to get at least over pH 5.0 level. Any ideas anyone?Ok, here are the recent pics of the clones that were experiencing the deficiencies earlier. They have healed a lot since the transplantation and I have given them nothing but 6.5 pH'ed water after the flush so the verdict is: Root bound causes deficiencies. Nutrients for clones at 1/4 strength during their 3-4th weeks is not recommended.
As for the flush, I used half the recommended dosage as suggested on the Fox Farm Feeding Schedule and went 1 tsp/gal with the Sledgehammer then flushed again with clear pH'ed water.