Cheers everyone, you give me some hope!!!
jaybray, the stolks are purple and I ve compared photos from other posts and it seems I might have a magnesium deficiency. I got some dolomite cal- mag yesterday but I don't know if that would be the most suitable. I might need to get some Epsom salts.
stanlyspedowski, I agree with you. From all the reading I have done, it seems that the optimal ph for soil is 6.5-7.0. If you are growing organic then the soil balances itself.when I water my water is around 7 and the runoff is around 6.7. It seems alright.
I think the problem is that I haven't found the right balance on my nutes. I am using biobizz products. Because I was afraid from the nute problems I had on my first grow, I tried to use 1/4 of the strength recommended by the company. I used 1ml/l of biogrow, biobloom, bioheaven and topmax and icreased slightly as my plants progressed into flowering. But my leaves started to become pale green and after a while they turned bright yellow and died. I realised that they had a deficiency and increased the nutes I was giving them. Last week I fed them with 3/4 strength. I had to go away for work for 5 days and my roommate watered after 5 days. When I came back they showed rusty spots like nute burn and I thought that I might have over fed them, but they still had pale green leaves which could be a sign of deficiency.
And this is what confuses me and this is what caused lots of problems on my last grow: do they show deficiency problems and need extra feeding or they are nute burn and have to reduce feeding? On my last grow, I reduced feeding and ended up with starving them and a low yield. I had to harvest earlier because my plant was dying!!!!
I am growing 2 shiva skunk and a white ice strain. The white ice seems to be affected more than the shiva skunk. On my last grow,I a had lots of problems with the ice strain,which means that it is more sensitive.

i just flushed the ice strain plant and left the other two to see how they do. The first two pictures are from the ice strain and the other two from one of the shiva skunk strains Iam growing.
So I guess that most people believe that I have a Ph issue. I have a Ph down solution that I could use in order to lower my Ph. is there anything organic I could use? when I used the chemical solutions on my last grow, i had lots of problems (my ph went really down and I had to bring it up again and my plant got fu....!)
Thanks everyone for your help. I really appreciate it. sorry for the long text and sorry for my english. I live in Europe and English is not my native language!!!!