nute burn or heat


Active Member
I have fox farm ocean soil and I am giving it fox farm nuts. I have only given the nuts 3 times and I have watered it 2-3 times between with out nutrients and I have not given it any nutrients since 7/29. The leaves are starting to look a little droopy at the ends. But my other plant is doing fine and I have fed it more nutrients than the one that is looking bad. So I am confused


Active Member
I am thinking I might have a pest problem I just woke up and noticed that there was a hole in the one that is bad looking. so I am just going to have to keep a close eye on them. Anyone know if a pest could be creating this big of a problem and what should I do or buy


Well-Known Member
you need to give more info. Like pH, temps...stuff like that. All you gave was pictures, which is good, just need more info. Smart pots are good stuff by the way. Ideally your temp should be below 85 at canopy level.


Well-Known Member
I have fox farm ocean soil and I am giving it fox farm nuts. I have only given the nuts 3 times and I have watered it 2-3 times between with out nutrients and I have not given it any nutrients since 7/29. The leaves are starting to look a little droopy at the ends. But my other plant is doing fine and I have fed it more nutrients than the one that is looking bad. So I am confused
You may have solved your own problem....


Well-Known Member
My bet is your under watering when you water. You have a fairly weak light so growth will be slower. slower growth means less nutes needed. Try watering very slow. you'll need about half the water to the size of pot your useing. You can't give them to much water at one time. but you can water to offten.


Active Member
I thought that was funny,My humidity of water usually runs at a 100%.If it doesn`t then I check to see what is wrong..LOL Good luck..
I meent moisture because I have a 3 way meter that messures the moisture from a leve 1dry as the desert or 10 which is the most and it was reading 3 as for when I water I usually give them 3 dixie cups full for a 5gal smartpot


Active Member
okay found a bug horray no nute no flush for now will still keep close eye on things little tiny bug whit orage on the shell and wings just chillin eatin away the little plant squished the shit out of him lol well gonna have to buy some spray or something for bugs any suggestions or ideas on what kind of it was?


Well-Known Member
if it is aphids, or fungus gnats, youll have to look at there life cycle in order to kill them all. see aphids lay eggs in the soil, then grow into adults. A COUPLE TIPS IVE SEEN, a cup of coffee placed in the grow room will attract the aphids and drown them. however to kill the eggs, ive seen people remove some top soil, and place about a inch of sand in the pot, keeping any damn pests in the soil in the soil, and effectivly eliminating the cycle. however youll need to look this up on youtube for the exact method. hope this helps. and BTW fungus gnats aka aphids really wont kill your crop, but its best to get rid of em. i believe they eat decaing matter, and not fresh plants.....


Active Member
if it is aphids, or fungus gnats, youll have to look at there life cycle in order to kill them all. see aphids lay eggs in the soil, then grow into adults. A COUPLE TIPS IVE SEEN, a cup of coffee placed in the grow room will attract the aphids and drown them. however to kill the eggs, ive seen people remove some top soil, and place about a inch of sand in the pot, keeping any damn pests in the soil in the soil, and effectivly eliminating the cycle. however youll need to look this up on youtube for the exact method. hope this helps. and BTW fungus gnats aka aphids really wont kill your crop, but its best to get rid of em. i believe they eat decaing matter, and not fresh plants.....
Will def try the coffe thing thanks for the tip and have you ever used or anyone here ever used fox farm don't bug me spary.


Well-Known Member
If you just watered that morning and it is already that dry you are underwating. Water till a good runoff