nute burn or heat


Well-Known Member
Also 32 inches is way too far! more like less then 10 for a 250. I keep a 400 without an aircooled hood about 10 inches away with no signs of stress


Active Member
OKay Just a quick update. by the looks of it everything is going good. Any one know some good pesticides or natural remadies. I have found another post online that recomended 100% pure neem oil. Does anyone know if that is a good method to use. I don't want to just take one persons opinion I would rather stay on the safe side. Thankss...


Active Member
Neem oil is great. Just go by the directions on the bottle. I also use Organicide and it works well also.


Active Member
It seems like that is what I am going to have to do. I found two more! I am getting so mad lol. my poor babies. I went outside my house and the people who built them did a poor job so When I went out I seen atleast 3 of them just trying to get to my window! So I lined the house with an insecticide hopefully that will work until I can get some neem oil


Active Member
thinking about buying fox farm bug spray or neem oil any suggestions on which is best or anyone else have results whit either of this product still keep finding bugs in the garden and moved top soil around to only see baby bugs shit well for now I'll just pick them because I also have no cash but second I do will head to the store any suggestions


Well-Known Member
first suggestion is to do as much research as possible as to finding out what these bugs are. im telling you. type in fungus gnats or aphids in youtube search and you'll see some videos on how to control your problem. AFTER ofcoarse you establish what is" bugging" you. lol


Well-Known Member
wow. that looks fucking nasty brah!!!! ..... i have NO clue what the fuck that is. good luck.


Active Member
wow. that looks fucking nasty brah!!!! ..... i have NO clue what the fuck that is. good luck.
lol yea been trying to figure it out as well will do continue doing research on it so that way I can help others hopefuly I get some cash today and will buy the ff don't bug or neem oil which ever the shop has can't wait another 2weeks on delivery to get it for now smoke a fatty and watch the grass grow.


Well-Known Member
Other then bug problems I dont see much wrong. Also I dont see any mag problem there. Just a question why are you still feeding at 1/4 strength?