Nute Burn or White fly spots


Well-Known Member
I have these spots on most the fan leaves towards the bottom of the plant.I was wondering if this is being caused by the white mite problem I am having or if it looks like a nute problem.I have sprayed the leaves with Wai Kula all natural Wipeout.I then rinsed leaves with water.Whats it look like? Bug related or nutrient related


tomato worm

I think that white fly is a good assumption. Nute burn can show it self in many ways but burnt tips on the leaves is a large majority of it, and I dont see that.

The thing with spider mites is.. while they are pretty small, they stand out quite obviously when you examine the underside of a leaf.

I have some white flys from my damn tomatoes and Ive noticed them visiting my "other" plants occasionally. Dont have damage like in your pics but theres a tiny bit of it.


Well-Known Member
Sort of looks like mites to me too. Do you see any very tiny specks (white or yellowish) on the undersides of the leaves? You could get a cheap handheld microscope from radioshack, look at the bottoms of the leaves, and you'll be able to tell for sure.
Hopefully I'm wrong! I don't know anything about whiteflies, but I imagine they'd be a better fate than mites.


That's definitely spider mites. The little white spots are from where they are sucking the juices out of the leaf. I know, because I've been battling these little bitches for a month now. I have been trying to get rid of them, which is almost impossible once they've made a foothold on your plants. I have been using dish soap and water to kill them but they just keep coming back, and I have also damaged my plants spraying this crap on them. I hate spider mites....


Active Member
never start a plant outside then bring it in. and aways be careful when going from one grow to another. mites are like the treatable hurpies of growing. youll wnanna get sumthing to see for sure if there is mites on the under sides of the leaves. if there is then one way i know of you can beat them is the "Hot shot No Pest Control" strips. u should be able to buy them at ur local wally world or home cheapo for only 8 bucks a piece. youll need to hang at least one in ur grow room. dont be in there for a few days while thats in there if ya can avoid it. just in and out to check on her (hopefully,her). be carefull the stuff is a carsonagin(sp). ide leave um in ur room for at least 4 days. or untill you notice that the white dots are not spreading. im just hopefully getting over a case of the mites. im on my second day with the strips and the white dots havent spread at all. also make sure all ur buckets, testing equip and anything else offillated with ur grow or the appearence of mites is in the room with the strip. hope ur not growing in ur closet. gooditimez and goodluck


Well-Known Member
im just getting over mites what a nightmare they totally ruin your plant's yeild. ive had this problem on and off for a couple of months, they just keep returning no matter what i spray on them, roll on those cooler damp nights which mites hate.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was from the bugs. Little tiny mostly white/yellow guys that fly. I seem to have gottenthem under control with the spray I mentioned but they have done dome damage. Not all hone either. Sigh. Well at least it's not a nute problem