Nute burn plus something else?


Well-Known Member
This plant was my stronger one of the 2 I'm growing (Double Glock), but the last 3 days or so, it's been showing some signs of problems.

From day one, all new growth has had slightly yellow tips, and as the growth matured, the tips would darken. They would never fully darken, but enough that it wasn't super noticeable.

Since I did my mainlining chop(9 days ago), they've been a bit lighter and remained lighter. In the last 2 days, some other discoloration in the leaves has been appearing, mostly on the oldest growth.

This is a soil grow, in fabric pots, and they've gotten minimal organic nutrients(2 waters ago, 1/4 strength).
20/4 lighting, under 2 CMX22 Gen 3 3500k 90CRI.

There is another girl beside her(Special Kush #1) that is super strong looking right now. Both plants have been putting new growth out at almost the same rate. So it seems like they are both relatively strong, but just want to catch problems before they get too severe...

I do know when I repot to their flowering pot I'll be rejigging my soil a bit, much more perilite will be added to prevent the compacting/moisture issues I've been facing since the beginning(I've got it somewhat under control until then).

What do you guys think is going on?
Should I just hold out a bit longer to see if the newer growth starts showing stronger symptoms? (a.k.a. don't love em too much)



Well-Known Member
First grow ?

They look fine, you are never going to grow High-Times centerfold quality plants w/no blemishes.

Don't go trying to correct a problem you can't diagnose and you do not have, you will for sure F them up.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the world of growing !

Point was it is really hard to grow perfect plants. My rule of thumb is this.... If I view my plants from 10-15 feet away (3 to 4.5 meters if you roll metric) and I say "Oh Fuck" then I have a problem. Had a couple of those moments over the years.

But if you have to squint and get out a microscope to imagine problems, you probably don't have any.

Like any generalization this one is flawed, because if you get spider mites the victory is in early detection and you have to watch closely for these critters.

Anyway I have many grows under my belt, since 70's. The older the plants get the more tattered they look, but it all works out. Look at any tree, shrub, vegetative plant this time of year, and they have been through the grinder. If you look you can find all sorts of shit, insects and fungus, etc.

Keep it generally green and growing, that's all you can do. The plant will do the rest