Nute burn??? roots organic soil

I started my seedlings in roots organic soil instead of a starter mix? Im thinking this soil is too hot and giving the plants nute burn or is this some other deficiency? the leaf tip are curling a little also
They are being grown in a grow tent with a passive intake and a 2 foot t5 light. i water them when they dry out which is about every 3 days with straight tap water that i let sit with an air stone for a couple days. Feed back will be greatly apriciated thanks.

the first plant is cataract kush and the second plant is deadhead og both grown from seed and have 1 more of each of these strain that are growing alot healthier.


Active Member
Hmm... it could be nute burn, but if you haven't fed them yet, they might need nutes. But it looks like you're growing in a solo cup, have you checked the roots? Might be time to transplant. Sorry couldn't be more help.