Nute burn - Should I remove these fan leaves?

Wondering if I should remove these fan leaves. I’m certain the burn is from the high content phosphorus bat guano I just got. Didn’t notice it was 0-20-0. Plus all the minor metals n shit that’s in it. I’ve noticed it getting worse over past few days but I been waiting for soil to dry out to flush as I will be doing in the am. Have been using a few diff types of food as well including a tiny bit of monster bloom which I’m sure only made this worse. I read I should leave them on as long as they aren’t completely dying as they still have energy to provide. But also doesn’t seem right to be keeping them.



Well-Known Member
No do not remove the fan leaves. And check for bugs.

And yes you are feeding too much P. 0-20-0 and 0-50-30. And that Monster Bloom is basically just MKP aka monopotassium phosphate which can be purchased for under $10 a pound. Don't be fooled by names and labels. It's the ingredients you should be looking at.