Nute burn / wind burn or over / under watering?


Well-Known Member
Hi, very first grow so please go easy on me :)

3.5 weeks into grow and a couple of leaves look like they are "scorched" or something.

Im not sure if it is the fact that the fan is too close or the nutes that I gave it have caused the issue. It seems that on one or two of the leaves there are light green like patches / burns on them.

I have attached a couple of pics. If anyone can let me what they think this is that would be great. Please let me know if you need more info.



Well-Known Member
Above pics were from 24hrs ago. i will be opening the box in an hour or so and will see how she looks. I will take pics and post too.

Any help on this is much appreciated. Maybe im just worrying about nothing.



Active Member
looks fine i wouldnt worry about it....looks like some sitting water dried up while on the leaf. if your really worried about it foliar spray some cal mag.


Well-Known Member
looks fine i wouldnt worry about it....looks like some sitting water dried up while on the leaf. if your really worried about it foliar spray some cal mag.
Thanks mate. That put my mid at rest a little. I will see how she is in a bit.



Well-Known Member
Ok.. so have now opened the box after 24hrs... and here she is.


Hopefully i don't have anything to worry about. They went into flower 2 days ago. Not too soon I hope but my friend said I should switch the lights. We shall see.