Nute burn?????


Well-Known Member
idk, to me it looks like a def rather than a burn... not 100% but burn normally looks burned, dried out etc..


Well-Known Member


Here are some better pics

Since I've taken this pic, 12 hours ago, the leaves have turned completely yellow and brown and dried out. I'm not exadurating.


Well-Known Member
fush your plant asap if you can transplant it into a better soil that isnt over nuted for less work flush it


Well-Known Member
This is the same leaf I have posted up top.
Here it is again. Look at how drastic it ate that leaf.


Well-Known Member
Starter plugs and Hydroton
ALso I use Dutch Master Nutes and the nutes has Magnesium, soluable potash, Copper. All those minerals and a whole lot more. So how can it be a def. if it's in their food? I'm just asking. Please don't think I'm being rude


Well-Known Member
certain strains are hungrier for certain elements, minerals etc. Hence certain plants need supplementing with more of that nutrient. I would add some epsom salts to your reservoir @1 tsp to 20 ltr.


Well-Known Member
certain strains are hungrier for certain elements, minerals etc. Hence certain plants need supplementing with more of that nutrient. I would add some epsom salts to your reservoir @1 tsp to 20 ltr.
Dude they're already showing signs of getting better. It stopped spreading. So it probably was a high dose of nutes.


Well-Known Member
High nute dosage does not cuase the necrosis your leaves were showing, also it doesnt affect just a leaf or two it affects large areas, even if only mildly, so when it happens next time think about what I said!


Well-Known Member
Do you have fans blowing? Looks like some kind of fungus caused by and air circulation problem. How about a view more pics of your entire plant.