Nute burn?


Active Member
I use an ebb n flow system that waters the vegging plants every 2 hours for 10 minute intervals from 8a.m. to 8p.m. I am currently only using sensigrow a+b and the directed amount. The roots are already threw the bottom of most the pots and are looking great. Last week was their first week with the nutrients and the whole system running. It seems they are having some kind of burn on the sides of the leaves and I was wondering if I should put a little less than recommended for this weeks resi change??

Or whats going on with my veg plants?

Thank you for your help!


Well-Known Member
Yep, slightly burned. I would flush the system with phed water and refill at 1/4 strenght and slowly work up from there....

EDIT:you could also cut back feeding to just 3 times a day or maybe every 4 hrs....


Well-Known Member
I can see a big difference between your Barneys G-13 and mine. Totaly different looking plants. Are you doing a journal on these? If not you are welcome to join mine. It would be fun to compare. Looks like we are both at the same stage....besides the little bit of burn they are looking good.......


Active Member
Yeah im going to start a new one with these but everything thus far is in the log in my sig. It recommends 14floz this week so you thinking about 6floz??


Active Member
Looks like nute burn to me. The best way to tell where your nute levels are at is to get a PPM meter. And yes I'd back off the nutes. How's your PH doing? =)

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It really looks like the damage is at least mostly from K def because of the way it is almost entirely on the leaf blade edges and from the way the leaves are curling.


Well-Known Member
I am sure that is nute burn. Starting at the bottom of the plant. P deficiencies usually show at the top of the plant, new growth. I would go 6oz and give them a week and keep an eye on the new growth...

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Ideally, I'd suggest this but you'd have to order it. If you can find Maxicrop soluble seaweed powder (1-0-4), that makes for a decent source of K during veg but isn't usually enough for flowering. It also has the benefit of being a great foliar feed, helping get some extra K to the plants faster. It's sometimes available locally, just don't get the liquid version, only the powder. A common source of chemical K is Muriate of Potash (0-0-60), found at most garden centers. It's strong and not made for indoor plants so use lightly, at 1-1.5 tsp/gal, at least for soil.

If you want a liquid fertilizer, I hear FoxFarms Big Bloom is a good source of K.


New Member
I would flush those plants from the top, just pour room temp water through them all a few times and dump and refill. Wouldn't worry about deficiencies till you got your strength right.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Since there are a number of different suggestions, you might try one of each on two test plants. I don't know if you can easily work it into your hydro system, but try giving one plain water and another some extra K, without leaving the other nutes out of its proper feeding schedule.


Active Member
Cutting down on the nutes seemed to help them with the burning on the edges. This week I added 10 fl oz for the 70 gal resi. There is still some deficiencies and I feel like they could still look better. I haven't gotten down on keeping the plants real bushy they still get kinda the normal growth but their looking nice and green. I added a couple pictures of different issues please put your input on what you think.

This is the biggest/fullest plant so far. G-13

Leaves looking bubbly and slow growth. Sour Diesel

Spotted leaves. Deficiency? G-13

This ones hard to see, but is the most common. There is small spots that have slight discoloration. Ive heard that this is a sign for mites but not the most reliable source. What do you guys think?

Droopy leaves. G-13

Thanks allot for the help. +rep ofcourse