Nute Help

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
so im using floramicro and floragro, and i do not have florabloom.... so can i use koolbloom which i have in some sort of dilluted form to substitue for florabloom?? help much apprectiated!!


Well-Known Member
why not? nuets are neuts, and your plants dont know the difference its just neuts to them, just make sure you follow the directions they give you

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
if i follow the directions im scared its too much for the plant considering its not even flowering yet and if its a diff nuetrient. would like some professionals oppinion heh


Well-Known Member
Yer but you got to dilute and mix all three till ratio is either equal i.e. 5:5:5 or of a veg npk which is anything from 5:4:3 and up. 45 phosphorous is too much unless nitrogen was like 50-60 and potassium 30-35 even then this is a strong dose of ferts. Where are you getting all these crazy ferts from, seriously hard for a beginner to master a three part npk system, maths is getting hard here and hope you understand what you want to achieve, sure you wouldnt be better with just a soil veg and bloom and micro on top?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
found them at a busted grow down my road at an abbandon house haha.i am just wondering, is it possible for you to tell me how much of each for veg? soil outdoor


Well-Known Member
Too late for me to work out now, stoned and cant do maths stoned, list each of the npks for bloom micro and grow and i will give it a go in 24 hours, obviously you will have to make like 4/5 litres in one go for it to work out with the maths so get a bucket or somthing! Until tomorrow please list each seperate npk and state which one is for each. Thanks and i will get back tomorrow night with an answer. Peace

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
alright man, floragro npk-2-1-6
floramicro npk-5-0-1
koolbloom npk-2-45-28
i got a milk jug which is a gallon/ four litres. talk to you tomorrow night.thanks alot:)


Well-Known Member
ten spoons micro, one spoon gro and one spoon bloom = 54:46:44 NPK then dilute down to recomended strength.

There happy? Best i can do and still may not work but the npk is dead on. Peace

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
ok honestly that just got so confusing. i just need to know how much tsp to add to 1 gallon... without all that diluting..sorry for being so noob just want to get things right.


Well-Known Member
Koolbloom has the phosporous and pottassium you just need to get the nitrogen in there.

There is an inherit problem in that if any of these contain escessive amounts or the koolbloom dosent contain enough ca/mag for instance you will run into nute problems.

Please appreciate that you have the wrong ferts especially with the koolbloom which is not the recomended bloom fert.

To make this even easier one part koolbloom, one part grow, ten parts micro and dilute the strength of it. Please research the fact that a fert that say 50/40/30 is too strong for the plants and needs dilluting down to 5/4/3 or even 10/8/6 at most for small plants. The rest is up to you, plants will tell you if they like it.


Well-Known Member
Would have been better 2tsp micr 2 tsp gro and 1/4 teaspoon bloom or less but see how it goes, it really is simple maths, you want higher nitrogen than phosphorous and potassium or at worst all the same.

Maybe some research on how to achive a good veg npk would be advised.