Nute lock or deficiency? *pics* Yellow/rusty leaves


Active Member
I have 7 babies growing in rockwool. I planted them on 9/8/12. Many of them are growing tall and green, but a few are having some issues. I have looked at a ton of pictures for diagnostics, but it looks similar to a few different examples.

I stopped feeding nutes a couple of days ago. I didn't have a good handle on my pH for a long time either. I have all the tools for that now, so I have been flushing 6.0pH water through them. I'm not sure if I should go ahead and start back up with a light mixture of nutes, or keep with the fresh water.


I haven't been terribly strict with my nute/watering schedule to this point. I am just worried that if they are not getting enough nutes, and that's causing the problem, if I continue flushing the problem will only get worse. This started only affecting my White Widow, but now 1 of my Buddha plants is showing the same signs. I am having to water the rockwool everyday as they are drying it out quickly. From what I read, you can't really over water rockwool unless it's sitting in water, since it drains so well. I keep them damp. Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.



Active Member
rockwool holds so much water.. do not water more. plant in soil the next time u should water. it will thrive.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can over water the rock wool it's like dirt let it dry out so it will stretch the roots you want the rock wool to feel really lightweight before watering again I've tried hillbilly hydro in rock wool too it don't work! The wool don't dry out right you get really skinny roots I always look at the roots. I 'm thinking you have multiple issues #1 is over watering #2 ph/nute issues I don't know what ppms your feeding or if you presoaked your rock wool to 5.5 this is a absolute must presoaking it. When I tried the hillbilly hydro I would water and feed like it was dirt alternating plain water and nutes every other time. #3 your roots need more room or they should be by now coming out the bottom of the cube this is restricting them, what was you planing on growing them in it's been time to put'em in it so the roots have some room this and the over watering is causing the drooping. Disclaimer: I no hydro guy~


Active Member
Thanks everyone. I have my pH balanced now. I realize the roots are growing out the bottom. I have some 6" rockwool cubes coming, but they are taking forever to get here. I think I will take the ones that are worse off and transplant them into a nice soil and see if they bounce back. I think this afternoon I'll start hitting them with a 250ppm nute mix, and work my way up from there. I did not soak the rockwool they are in now, but I will be from here on out. I'm draining to waste for now so it doesn't jack up my pH too bad.


Active Member
I finally figured out the problem. It looks like my nute tank and regular R.O. water tanks got mixed up. So I've been giving the plants regular RO water with no nutes, and the dogs a nice 1-1-1 GH nute mixture.

The good news is, the number of bud sites under his arms and ears doubled over night, and I think he's about ready to flower.


But really, I transplanted 3 of the rockwool babies into soil, verm, peri mixture which had been watered with a nice 350ppm 6.0pH. I hit the remaining rockwool plants with a 400ppm 5.5pH watering. Waiting to see how they are looking tomorrow.

Do I trim the brown/yellow leaves from the affected plants, or just leave them be?