Nute off!! Advanced nutrrient's vs cutting edge vs fox farm.

Boss this is one of the better threads I have ever seen on this forum. I also like how it has not erupted into a fanboy fight. Nice work. I'm a long time FF 6 part user, who is scared of changing what I know. This is something I'll follow to the end, thanks.
Any opinion's or Ideas are alway's welcome. I have only been growing a 6 year's and still have lot's to learn.

not many folks will admit that one. :clap:
i been goin for around 10 years and am still open for learnin!

:weed: "its all about the ladies" *corytrevor*

Bossman I've been though the entire thread and missed this, sorry for a question if the info is already here:

Are you giving each plant the entire line from each company - or just the main nutrients from that company - ie FF - OS, BB, CC // or AN - Conniosseur A & B? Or the main nutrients from each company plus common supplements?

For example: would you feed one plant FF BB and the second AN Connoisseur A & B; or would you give one FF BB and the second the whole AN line including supplements like H2 while the FF plant got nothing like Liquid Karma, only the base FF nute?

In short - I'm wondering if if you're testing base nutrient to base nutrient or product line to product line.

Thanks, love the thread. How many weeks into flower are you?



Bossman I've been though the entire thread and missed this, sorry for a question if the info is already here:

Are you giving each plant the entire line from each company - or just the main nutrients from that company - ie FF - OS, BB, CC // or AN - Conniosseur A & B? Or the main nutrients from each company plus common supplements?

For example: would you feed one plant FF BB and the second AN Connoisseur A & B; or would you give one FF BB and the second the whole AN line including supplements like H2 while the FF plant got nothing like Liquid Karma, only the base FF nute?

In short - I'm wondering if if you're testing base nutrient to base nutrient or product line to product line.

Thanks, love the thread. How many weeks into flower are you?



not sure , but i think FF BB is the same thing as liquid karma, BB is a catalyst full of microbes.

Bossman I've been though the entire thread and missed this, sorry for a question if the info is already here:

Are you giving each plant the entire line from each company - or just the main nutrients from that company - ie FF - OS, BB, CC // or AN - Conniosseur A & B? Or the main nutrients from each company plus common supplements?

For example: would you feed one plant FF BB and the second AN Connoisseur A & B; or would you give one FF BB and the second the whole AN line including supplements like H2 while the FF plant got nothing like Liquid Karma, only the base FF nute?

In short - I'm wondering if if you're testing base nutrient to base nutrient or product line to product line.

Thanks, love the thread. How many weeks into flower are you?

What up hobbes.
I am using each co whole product line.
I am weak 7 floer on MK's and weak 6 flower GDP's (will explain later)



not many folks will admit that one. :clap:
i been goin for around 10 years and am still open for learnin!

Thanx wyteboi. I am going to be learning for as long as I am growing.
I am a bit of a knowledge junkie.
:weed: "its all about the ladies" *corytrevor*

wut up boss?

how are things going?
have any of nutes givin you any problems so far?

Hey jberry what up bro,
I have had some issue's. I will post in the update next.

awesome thread bossman! will be following to the end :bigjoint:

Thanx for joining in bro. It has been a shit ton of extra work.
IMO the harder the work the better the payoff.

Boss this is one of the better threads I have ever seen on this forum. I also like how it has not erupted into a fanboy fight. Nice work. I'm a long time FF 6 part user, who is scared of changing what I know. This is something I'll follow to the end, thanks.

What up thomas,
Much thanx bro, I also have been using FF for about 5 year's or so.
They have not dissapointed either. There is a bit more detail in the update.

what up boss. hope everything is all G bro, haven't heard from you in awhile:leaf:

What up Doc?
I have had a hell of a last 2 month's. If it can break it did.
If I get hit with 1 more big problem. I will probably be facing a much longer time out. Thing's look to be on the upswing. And not a minute to soon.
Damn near lost everything including the garden. But my stubborn ass wont give in that easy.

Thanx for the pateince.
As long as I keep my temper under wrap's.
There should be no more interuptoin's.
You guy's are all wa too cool.
I do appreciatte all the good vibes and pateince.
I have been forceably taken away from my home here at the farm.
Temper,temper,temper. Being as thing's are still not finished running there course. I can not go into to many detail's.
My girl's were taken well care of and pic's were takin.
I will be posting catch up pic's real soon.
I will quickly mentoin the CES feeding chart is not great for flowering.
They did so well in veg. So I will run them again. But I will use my own feeding.
I have been still following the feeding program to a T.
Even though it has just about killed the CES-MK,
Untill 5 day's ago CES was way behind and unhappy.
The FF & AN were dead even. With smell's and sugar amount's unlike I had ever seen on this MK. The smell is usually a real light lemony. It has changed o a reallly heavey fruit loop smell. Then in the last 4 day's AN has grown about 50% bigger then the FF.
Here we go with some update's.
These pic's are from last saturday witch was the start of weak 7 flower for the MK's And start of weak 6 flower for the Erkle's.

Pic's 1 & 2 are group shot's of the Erkles from left to right .

Pic 3 FF- Erkle
Pic 4 CES-Erkle
Pic 5 AN-Erkle

Pic 6 Erkle's in FF soil. Left to right CES-AN
Pic 7 CES-Erkle in FF soil
Pic 8 AN_Erkle in FF soil
Pic 9 another group of the FF soil girl's.

Pic 10 Group of MK"s from right to left FF-CES-AN.
Pic 11 FF-MK
Pic 12 CES-MK
Pic 13 AN-MK

Pic 14 top's of FF-MK
Pic 15 top's of CES-MK
Pic 16 top's of AN-MK


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Some thought's.
My Erkle's LMAO are actually My GDP.
I thought I had kept a mother of both. But I can tell by the smell and look's in flower that they are for sure GDP. Witch mean's I killed my Erkle cut and kept 2 GDP mom's.
My buddy still has erkle if I need her. So the only problem is that my GDP yeild's best with only 4 top's. Well you can see there are many more then 4.
So far the GDP seem's to be a bit of a food whore and is happy with all 3 nute's.
They are about dead equal in smell,trich's and by eye size.
From weak's 4 to 6 the An girl's all got bud candy on water day's.
The FF got mollassass. And the CES got sugaree.

Now the MK's are a new strain to me and I am still finding her likes and dislikes.
She seem's to want to feed just like the SFV OG lot's of N and Cal\ mag.

Also the MK seem's to love the promix with all the extra perlite.
But the GDP seem's to prefer the FF soil's. The color's and smell's and trich's are all better on the FF soil's. Even though the main stalk's are bigger in the pro mix..

I know the MK-CES issue is a Cal\mag dif that I let get to far before attempting to correct it.
In my next test run. I will do 3 Plant's per nute co.
I will be giving Mag amped on every other plain water day. I do a Feed,Feeed,Water.
I also am going to try and fit in a All nutes combined test.
For example. First feed nute with AN, Second Feed nute with FF. Then plain water. Then nute with Ces. And keep rotating through.
Kinda the same idea of me loving IN&OUT burger. But still dont want to eat it every day.
good to see ya back bossman!
so did you go with promix or sunshine mix? i thought we were doing sunshine.?
o'well your the man for doing these test. im sure alot of folks will say the same!

Good ? bro.
I had'nt used either in so long. I was caonsidering them the same. Which they really are not.
I have been using sunshine mix #4.
After mixing in 50% perlite I was finally happy with it.
Dr.D pointed out that sunshine #1 is a much better mix.
So I will be using that once I finish the #4 off.
Bossman Great thread +reps unbiased test

From the looks of the last pics and your journal , Cutting edge solution's is never going to be on my list of have to try once. The fox farm did surprise me, I have always thought of them as junk food for plants.
I have used Advanced for years and have been happy with them, this time around a friend gave me the whole run of Humboldt Nutrients to try in my DWC grow right now, he wants to know if it is worth promoting to his customers.

So far it is doing very well, no nut problem easy to use and self PHing is nice as well. At 14 weeks flowering my Afy's have buds the size of a penny, and at 17 days I have lots of leaf trichomes as well. They went into flowering on 1-6-10

Here is the line up I have been using for the first time Master A & B, Ginormous, Sea Mag, Sea Cal, Prozyme, Humboldt Roots
Bossman Great thread +reps unbiased test

From the looks of the last pics and your journal , Cutting edge solution's is never going to be on my list of have to try once. The fox farm did surprise me, I have always thought of them as junk food for plants.
I have used Advanced for years and have been happy with them, this time around a friend gave me the whole run of Humboldt Nutrients to try in my DWC grow right now, he wants to know if it is worth promoting to his customers.

So far it is doing very well, no nut problem easy to use and self PHing is nice as well. At 14 weeks flowering my Afy's have buds the size of a penny, and at 17 days I have lots of leaf trichomes as well. They went into flowering on 1-6-10

Here is the line up I have been using for the first time Master A & B, Ginormous, Sea Mag, Sea Cal, Prozyme, Humboldt Roots

Thanx for the good word's bro,
The AN has impressed me. Though would not count the CES out yet.
The MK girl had issues but I blame myself.
I wanted to try the feeding schedule with no variatoin's.
I also suspect the root's may have dryed out too much.
The CES is doing great on The GDP's. A little more yellow then the rest.
But the niggies are beautiful and look even a little larger then the AN GDP.
It may turn out the The MK prefer's AN. And the GDP prefers the CES.
I will still hold off to make any final descisions till. I weigh and smoke them.
Keep us posted on you'r test. Or post a link to the thread. If you have one.
i think the mag amped would help if there is another run with the ces....u gotta have that Mg in there or you will get yellowing.

im sure the roots drying out did cause some probs as well.... did all the plants dry out or just the CES?
I used the Mag\amped. Maybe not enough.
I am not sure she dryed out too much. It was just a thought as to why the troubles with her. But at the same timethe GDP's do not like mcu cal or mag and is fine.
So maybe it was. I will definetly do another run with the CES and The AN.
FF is doing very well. And will still alway's be used just maybe not as often.
Test will decide.
I used the Mag\amped. Maybe not enough.
I am not sure she dryed out too much. It was just a thought as to why the troubles with her. But at the same timethe GDP's do not like mcu cal or mag and is fine.
So maybe it was. I will definetly do another run with the CES and The AN.
FF is doing very well. And will still alway's be used just maybe not as often.
Test will decide.

I had 40 plants that the mag pump went down on in a drip system in dirt and I was out of town for 6 days and never looked like that, all that yellow leaves and I would guess there falling of every day? Looks like the plant needed some N up in her.