Nute or no?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys ok I am in my second week of flowering I haven't been using any nutes due to the fact that I am growing in miracle grow so I was wondering when should I start using my bloom nutes?? thanks for any help!


WeedWorm.... What brand of fertilizer do you plan to use during flowering, or are you going to use organic ammendments, to topdress or make a feeding tea with ? Fill us in a bit, and we can help you out. Please include the NPK value on any fertilizers you list.


Well-Known Member
not to sure this is my first grow so I am learning the nutes I have is sensi bloom from advanced nutes and its NPK is 4.3-0-3.1


WeedWorm.... For flowering, you're going to need a fertilizer, that has lower N (nitrogen) value, and higher P (Phosphorus) and K (Potassium) values. Something along the lines of 3-8-8 or 4-8-7, those are just examples.
The key is to keep just enough N in your feeding solution to keep your ladies green, until at least week 6 (on an 8 week) flowering strain. So, you need to get yourself a bloom fertilizer to flower with, and only add in very small amounts of your grow fertilizer (as needed to keep your plants green).
On that same note, forget the 0-50-30 bloom boosters, that yellow your plants up prematurely, and don't really increase yields.
The strain you're growing, will yield best, if fed reasonably (low, slow and steady). That avoids, issues with different nutirents becoming built up to excessive amounts, and locking out other nutrients.
Despite what fertilizer companies want you to believe, you can't fertilizer your way to massive yields. Each strain has a certain potential, and if fed and tended well, it will reach it's full potential......


Active Member
jhust answered that 2nd post only got 6-7 weeks to get them buds as big as possible. start them on 1/4 strength and work up.
if I start at 1/4 it shouldn't burn them? no it shouldn't burn them


Well-Known Member
jhust answered that 2nd post only got 6-7 weeks to get them buds as big as possible. start them on 1/4 strength and work up.
if I start at 1/4 it shouldn't burn them? no it shouldn't burn them
And that's what I did thanks for the advice!