Be sure you have calibrated your meter using a known value test solution before launching into playing with nutrient mixes.
For very young plants just grown from seed, I'd give them a mix of about 800ppm (which includes the residual mineral salts reading you are getting from your plain water) for a few weeks before bumping them up to 1300-1500ppm.
Mix your nutes into the tank water (keeping two or three part nutrients separated until they are mixed into tank water- stir tanks thoroughly before adding the second/third part of the nutrient mixes), then check pH. pH should run at about 5.5-5.8 +/- 0.2. There's a good chance that your pH will be higher rather than lower. When adjusting pH for vegging plants, use a nitric acid based 'pH Down' adjustment solution. This will break down into nitrogen, which your vegging plants will love. When adjusting pH for flowering plants, use a phosphoric acid based 'pH Down' adjustment solution. Flowering plants will like the added phosphorus. You probably won't need any 'pH Up' adjuster but it's handy to have if you have accidentally overcorrected the pH too far down. Beats dumping a tank and starting over.
Remember, when adjusting pH, you will be adding relatively tiny amounts of pH adjuster solutions, on the order of about 20ml in a 100L tank.