I just filled up today and it was $1.50/L so x 3.78l/USG was $5.67/USG and with the exchange rate being what it is about the same as what you're paying. Amazing how the minute the price of oil goes up so does the gas at the pumps. Even tho their storage tanks are still full of fuel that was made using cheaper feed stock. Somebody besides us getting a little richer.
Compared to what the people of Ukrainia are suffering I think I can handle paying a bit more for gas. Everything is gone way up. 4L jug of whole milk was $7.59. $5.29 a year ago. Nabob coffee was $26.97 for a 2lb can but luckily it goes on sale once in a while for $10 and we buy the max. Grabbed a can out of the cupboard today and did a count and we have 14 full ones in there so good to the next sale. Lot of products not on the shelves like cereals and very little on sale these days either. Was going to sell my '05 Malibu but think I'll get it back on the road for the spring. Uses half the gas my '08 Saturn Vue uses but would never have got me out of the driveway today with the snow that drifted in. The Vue went through it pretty easy but the wife never would have made it. Not quite 4x4 performance but that AWD and a heavy vehicle does not bad. Good chunky snow tires help too.
You win the lotto or something? All those toys aren't cheap but fun to have eh!

I got way more grow related stuff than I really need but not worth shit to flog on Kijiji or somewhere now. I blew about 3G in the last 3 years on goodies like the CO2 controller, 300, Light Rail 4.0, 400, TrimPro Unplugged, used, 300, bulbs, pots etc etc. Just ordered 8 bales of ProMix HP but still $37.50 each. Setting up my outdoor patch in a 30x5' raised bed the wife set up a few years ago that is more exposed further out in the back yard. Lots of top soil/compost in there now but not a very loose mix so the HP will fix that. Getting 60L of perlite as well. Got lots of compost here to toss in too. Want a dozen plants out there this year if not more. They will get full sun out there from morning to night unlike the spot I grew in close to the house. Tall alder trees cost a good 6 hours of direct sun/day there and I got 6oz off each auto so should do better with 18hrs of sun every day for most of July/Aug. Harvested mid-Sept last year.
Gets wicked wind out there so plan to put up a snow-fence wall on the west end. Nothing but open field for a mile to the west where the worst of it comes from. Trees will block the wind from every other direction.
If you're talking about the light green grow tips that's just fast growing plants that take a while to 'green up' with exposure to light. Finally got mine doing that so flipping to flower in a week or so. Low N would show up in the old fan leaves first.
That's a snazzy looking controller there. What did that set you back? Mine's just a simple one with LEDs for level indicators but was $300 and the same one with the digital readout was 200 more.
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Should get some good runs out of that setup.