Nute Schedule


Well-Known Member
Hey all, just starting my 3rd grow. The clones were put in 3 gal pots a week ago after being in solo cups 2 weeks. should have a good root system by now. on my last 2 grows i fed nutes every 3rd watering. is that to long apart. should i give em nutes every other or every watering?? i'm useing canna terra vega for vegging. my soil is miracle grow potting mix with marine quisine, espoma garden lime and perlite added. trying to get other opinions. first 2 crops were good but would like better............


Well-Known Member
How much Marine Cuisine do you have in there, per gallon or per 3 gallon pot? That stuff is pretty potent all by itself. Plus, your potting soil already has a dose of nutrients in it. You may not need to add any nutes for awhile!

That being said; I like to add "nutes" every watering. If your application directions say "every 3rd watering", you can cut the dose down to 1/3rd strength and give it every watering. Some may disagree but I really beleive that it's just a matter of preference. After all, that's how plants live in nature - it's not "Feast or Famine" - it's the same "diet" all the time!

But I'm more concerned about the nutes you already have in the soil (and perhaps more importantly - how long they may last). Without knowing how much Marine Cuisine you've got in there, I'd say to waite untill the plant starts to look a little "needy" before you add anything. Then (and only then) add your nutes at 1/4 of the directed rate, half strength if you feel lucky.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so you already have a full dose of Marine Cuisine, on top of MG nutes (already in the soil). I'm not a MiracleGro guy, so I can't speak with any authority about thier nutes. Marine Cuisine, on the other hand, I have found to be good stuff!

The only constructive critisism I have for Marine Cuisine is that it might be a little short on Magnesium, but a half strength dose of Epsom Salts should take care of that (that is to say about 1/2 of a teaspoon per gallon of water). That's not a "One-Time" fix, it's pretty much every watering or every other watering, so I would wait and see if it's really going to be a problem ("If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"). Another thing about Magnesium, it's really dependant on a proper Ph level in soil, about 6.5-7.1 (6.8 should be perfect). Enough about Magnesium already!

Back to the point! With all those nutes in your soil, I would wait (like I said before) to add any more nutes, and then at a reduced rate. As the Marine Cuisine continues to deplete you can boost the amount of nutes you add. Hope this helps!