Nute selection for this specific case.


Well-Known Member
Why not both? What happens if you add both?
I must admit, that was not a well thought out answer. If you're talking the same brand of could probably do a little mixing. As long as you measure PPM and keep it below the desired level. But then you never really know exactly what your plant is getting. Does that help?


Well-Known Member
Actually it does lol. I do use the same brand and I'm never close to their recommended tds levels, well below actually. I watch the plant and nute uptake and adjust accordingly. My big issue right now is the plants, all from seed, and same strain, seem to have slightly different needs. One is showing a zinc def and another is showing a mag def. That is a problem all being in the same tray lol. Perhaps next grow will be clone worthy, been looking for 2 years lol. Just ordered some Kosher Kush!!!


Well-Known Member
Indeed. different phenos in the same strain can show a wide variety. Most of my recent growing history has been done sog on an E&F table where it's crucial that the plants be identical. So believe me, I got good at cloning.

So just pick the one plant that you like the most...then reveg at the end of the grow...and make her a clone Momma! Problem solved.
Good luck,
Indeed. different phenos in the same strain can show a wide variety. Most of my recent growing history has been done sog on an E&F table where it's crucial that the plants be identical. So believe me, I got good at cloning.

So just pick the one plant that you like the most...then reveg at the end of the grow...and make her a clone Momma! Problem solved.
Good luck,
Keep discussing… I will keep taking notes about it! :dunce:
Sorry about the highjack Canna totally forgot man again sorry!
No worries, I meant that I will keep taking notes based on your discussion! People see it as a hijack of a thread? well I see it as a flow of valuable information that is just being given to me for no reason. You keep discussing and I will keep learning :eyesmoke: Cheers to you and my fellow JohnDee
“Well, Excuuuuse meee!” :peace:

Just got carried away answering Waterdawg's questions. So Canna how are the plants doing?
SOOOO I think both of my girls are a bit slow in terms of growth. Despite of this the cheese is looking very healthy. In the other hand, the white widow (the one that lost a cotyledon) is growing but in a funny dwarf mutated way, but I would say she is healthy. I switched them to 12/12 like 6 days ago even though both girls are seedlings still. I say LIKE 6 days ago because I think the timer was not set properly for 2 days so I believe they were having around 11:30 hours of darkness and 12:30 of light… :dunce: I am waiting 2 or 3 more days to nute the cheese with some 20-20-20 at 25% strength as she is still vegging (She is developing her 3 nod) even though she is in 12/12. I will feed her this for 2 weeks and then maybe just carry on with a 4-12-4 at 50% concentration for the rest of flowering. I am not giving too much light 4 23w CFL 2700k. I think it will stay like that for this grow. Since I havent added a duct for air in my grow box my temperature is high (around 90F) and my humidity is low (around 20%) I do have a fan that is blowing air to my ladies constantly but very gently, I can see the leaves moving softly. I will put some pictures tomorrow as they are sleeping right now :eyesmoke: I think I will take them down at week number 7 not 8. I will take whatever I get from them and then try to really step up to the plate and see if I can produce anything decent. Any input you guys want to give?
A lost cotyledon could make for some odd growth. Perhaps with time, it will straighten itself out.

There have been a few folks doing a 12/12 from seed grow like you are. I found one thread and I'm sure there are more.

I'm not going anywhere, so just give me a shout once you start your next grow...or maybe even before. lol
You will see tomorrow, the funny thing is that she developed 5 bladed leaves right away. She just started with cotyledons, then one set of leaves and then just five bladed ones. Thanks for the post, I had seen it already but I need to re revise a thing or two. Thanks for the time JD, I really appreciate it. bongsmilie cant wait to stop buying shit grown from somebody I dont know or a plant I never saw. I barely know the strain of this shit. Tho I cant complain… shits goooooood :eyesmoke: but its never the same. I want to sit on my couch and think "damn im high….. cant believe I made this" Soon enough my friend


Well-Known Member
Ive done a couple of grows at 12/12 from seed and really wasn't impressed with the quantity at the end, some strains do better than others IMO. I tried the White Russian and it was really lacking at the end. Also did a Pato#1 and it did ok but still lacking. I have found that 20 days works well for me doing sog, any longer and the girls grow into the light. My res and tray setup is around 2' high so that leaves 6' to ceiling,add another 18" for the light and I've run out of room. You will definatly need to get exhaust going if possible to get that heat down I would think, again I'm a newb so dont know shit lol. I have a couple of mutants due to breaking the stalks on the WR but their still frosting up nicely. Try not to take them down to early as well cause they do put on some nice wieght at the end, Im struggling with that myself right now, on my last jar and am looking at the plants and then the scissors every day lol. As for the clone thing, I have really good success with it but just haven't found the special one yet. I grew outdoors for years and all the plants were from clones. Last outdoor grow was over 100 plants but getting way old for that and getting way dangerous lol.


Well-Known Member
Here's the girls at 52 days 12 and 72 days from seed crop111813.jpg. Opps wrong pic, these are actually 45 days, they've gotten a bit bigger lol.


Well-Known Member
Those plants are GREEN waterdawg. You must be a believer in N all the way through. I do sog E&F too. Piece if cake. Once I get up and first grow is going to be Satori. A Mandala strain with a large central cola. Should be good lolly-popped.
Those plants are GREEN waterdawg. You must be a believer in N all the way through. I do sog E&F too. Piece if cake. Once I get up and first grow is going to be Satori. A Mandala strain with a large central cola. Should be good lolly-popped.
Do you give no N during flowering?


Well-Known Member
I give N at veg level for first two weeks (during the stretch)...and then ease off. My plants at harvest are light green with an occasional yellow bottom leaf. This is a subject argued about. The people on the "give lots of N" side maintain that the green leaves are helping bud grow.

The other side says the excess N can effect taste negatively. I'm sort of in the middle...though more on the light green side.
So, here is the update of the girls.



White Widow:




So this is what we have.

What do you guys think about giving these ladies some 20-20-20 at 25% (5-5-5) once or twice and then go on with the flowering at 4-12-4 at 50% (2-6-2)?



Well-Known Member
The truth? I say, save the ones that are looking the best. Put them back in 18/6 and veg them properly. Cull the little ones.
The truth? I say, save the ones that are looking the best. Put them back in 18/6 and veg them properly. Cull the little ones.
You talk in plural like I have 20 plants haha. So you think I should revert to 18/6 or 24 with the cheese and basically kill the white widow?