Nute switch, etc.


Active Member
So my plants about 18-20" now and, based upon what I've read here, I'm going to being 12/12 to induce flowering (strain is purple kush x northern lights). My first question is this: should I switch to a blooming nutrient mix right away or keep using the growth one for a while? Also, my top leaves look very healthy, but the very bottom two (first two rounded leaves) have wilted and died, and there are a very few small kind of wilted (brownish green about half the size of a lady bug) spots on a few of the lower leaves. Any diagnosis without pictures? I will try to post some, but I'm not able right now. Overall I'd say the plant looks very healthy, but I don't want these few little blemishes to turn into a real problem. Right now I'm giving half strength Pure Blend Metabolic Growth Formula 1-.5-1. Should I boost it to full strength or is it a moot point because I should be switching to bloom now anyway? Help is appreciated, thanks.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi BOB..

Everything sounds normal.. I would definitley start with a diluted nutrient formula.. like you suggested.. 1/2 strength.

Top growth is very important and relevant.... vigorous new growth is usually a sign of a healthy problem free plant...

It is vital that you PH your water in order to feeed your plant properly..


I look forward to seeing the pictures


Well-Known Member
if you go to the general hydroponics web site. you can download an adobe file with a feeding chart for each stage, including a lighting schedule. It is excellent. And everything Garden Knowm said.


Well-Known Member
i completely agree with everything Garden_Knowm said. the only thing i would add is - if you want you can continue with the veg nutes for the first week or two after changing to 12/12 if you want to maximize your growth before flowering. and then switch to greatly reduced strength flowering nutes.


if you go to the general hydroponics web site. you can download an adobe file with a feeding chart for each stage, including a lighting schedule. It is excellent. And everything Garden Knowm said.

Hello, can you post the link for the web site. Thanks