Nutes And Molasses question.


Ive been on Unsulfured molasses for 2 weeks now, But ive stopped the Nutes.

Would it be safe for the Next 2 weeks to 1 day Nutes, The Next day Molasses?


Active Member
i wouldnt stop with the nutes unless you plan on flushing them...the molaeses im unsure of since im trying it for the first time this year....


Well-Known Member
Medical Grow 002 (4).jpgif you use to much Molasses it'll make your plants turn yellow so I would water with molases 1-2 times a week at normal strength. OR you can do like me and cut your moloses in half so you can water with it everyday..seems to be working quite well for me..the plant above has been getting the dose.

1TBSP per Gal * cut with 3 gallons of water *

Nutes given every week..only one day :hump:


Active Member
I agree with hustlerboy but I feed with nutes twice a week and once a week with plain water or molasses alternating weeks with the 2. Mine are 5 weeks into flower. I plan on stoping the nutes with 2 weeks left and start flushing and still watering with molasses thats when it does most of its work on your buds the last 2 or 3 weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
i just watered all mine with the molasses product from roots organic... im gonna continue until they r done. ive heard nothin but good things about molasses so we'll see. and for ur question i would keep fertilizing until its time to flush or if u use organic nutes dont stop.


Well-Known Member
Molasses does very little for the plant it's self, molasses feeds the micro-beasties in the soil and helps keep it alive. Keep those micro-beasties feeding, farting and fucking, that's the trick to yummy buds.
The thinking that adding sugars will make your buds fat and sweet is not true. Many think this way and add way to much molasses and screw up their plants. TBL spoon per gallon every week is fine. I add 12oz to my 32 gallons (2 tea spoons per gallon) teas and feed with that once a week. Just keep that soil rich and healthy and alive, that's how you get them BIG FAT BUDS!
Good Luck