Nutes for 12/12 from seed?


Active Member
For my first grow, due to my growing space and time, I am using CFL's and trying 12/12 from seed. I am just wondering about nutes because by the time my plant is old enough to receive nutes, it will already be in Flower, so should I just give it flower nutes? Or is it not even worth giving nutes?

I KNOW I KNOW about 12/12 form seed........ im not trying for high yield, but i've read up a lot on 12/12 form seed so please dont criticize me for it.

Im just giving me something to do till I get $$ and my own place and to give me some experience.


New Member
ya...juss give it flowering nutes....u will need doing 12/12 from seed to..u will get and 1/8 if u are a shitty marijuana grower^^ but if u do it right..u should get a 1/4 to a 1/2 each plant easy....i would grow a few though


Active Member
ya...juss give it flowering nutes....u will need doing 12/12 from seed to..u will get and 1/8 if u are a shitty marijuana grower^^ but if u do it right..u should get a 1/4 to a 1/2 each plant easy....i would grow a few though
im not trying for a big yield, just something to educate me more and give me some expierience growing at all until I move into my own place and get serious.

As far as yield tho, ive heard anywhere from 1/2 to 1 1/2 ounes per plant with 12/12. I guess it just depends.


New Member
Get a high phosphorous nute because the nutes in the soil will last until buds start to form.


Well-Known Member
Use foxfarm nutes. There famous three and use molasses. SOme say 1tbl per gallon I use 2tbl per gallon and let it in the water 2 days before use


New Member
1.5 oz on a 12/12 from seed is very possible. They don't actually start to bud for a month or so and that whole time their vegging out on a stretched scale because of the 12/12....... very possible to get 1.5 per.


Active Member
Use foxfarm nutes. There famous three and use molasses. SOme say 1tbl per gallon I use 2tbl per gallon and let it in the water 2 days before use
1.5 oz on a 12/12 from seed is very possible. They don't actually start to bud for a month or so and that whole time their vegging out on a stretched scale because of the 12/12....... very possible to get 1.5 per.
Wow thanks for all the input. I just started germin my seeds today so as soon as anything starts to happen let ill post some pics.


Active Member
then it is not worth the 12/12 if your gonna say that
mihght as well just put it under 18/6 for a month
im starting to think about doing that, but ive heard theres a higher female rate with 12/12 because it forces them to choose sex right away.

And that soil feed chart that was posted is amazing, I swear its made for growing pot.